Lanny Davis’ hang-up – IOTW Report

Lanny Davis’ hang-up

hillary lanny davis

Hillary’s Fixer Hangs Up On Steve Malzberg Interview Because Host Asked About The Emails

TheLid– “Team Hillary” must be getting a bit touchy. Not only is a aged socialist ruining her strategy of faking to the middle, but those dammed emails and this week Trey Gowdy exposed her lies by proving she received three subpoenas-two issued way before Hillary destroyed evidence.

So it was surprising when I heard Clinton fixer, Lanny Davis was going to be on Steve Malzberg’s show on Newsmax TV. Malzberg is an excellent interviewer and he learned from the best that you don’t let guests get away with spin.  more

5 Comments on Lanny Davis’ hang-up

  1. It’s the troll strategy, confronted by a fact – change the subject. Davis is confronted by a fact so he dismisses the fact as just a big misunderstanding taken out of context – and tries to change my he subject to Trey Gowdy.

    I see trolls do the same thing in comments. It usually works and people forget what the real point was and the troll takes over the conversation.

  2. Lanny wanted to smear Trey Gowdy and insert the seeds that the committee needs to release the transcripts of Sidney Blumenthal’s Congressional committee closed door testimony. Lanny wants to build outrage over the fact that Mrs. Hillary Clinton, a private citizen, is not being made privy to the findings in an ongoing investigation into her activities.
    Lanny wants everyone to know it is Trey Gowdy, that is the problem. Why, waiting for documentation necessary to frame intelligent questions is ridiculous and Trey Gowdy shouldn’t be holding up Mrs. Hillary Clinton’s testimony over such a trivial reason.

    But Lanny’s candidate smeared herself and he is indignant. Good for thee, but not for me.

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