Florida Man on ‘spiritual journey’ accused of stealing deputy’s cruiser, credit card – IOTW Report

Florida Man on ‘spiritual journey’ accused of stealing deputy’s cruiser, credit card

Law Enforcement Today:

GAINSVILLE, FL– Once in a while, we report on stories that prompt the response “what in the world?!”

On Thursday, November 5th, a man, claiming to be on a “spiritual journey”, hopped in a police car he came across, and took off. Luckily, police officers put an end to his journey rather quickly. 

According to the Alachua County Sheriff’s Office, 20-year-old Duncan Alexander Smith came into the Gainesville Regional Airport at around 8:30 p.m. Thursday. Video surveillance shows Smith leaving the airport parking lot in the deputy’s marked vehicle around 8:34 p.m.

About two hours later, the deputy, whos car was stolen, received a report that his credit card, which was left in his patrol vehicle, was being used in Columbia county. 

The Gainesville Sun reported that Sheriff’s electronic surveillance showed the car heading southbound on I-75 in Alachua County. What makes the situation, and ultimately the charges worse, is the fact that there was a police rifle readily accessible in the passenger side of the vehicle.  more here

13 Comments on Florida Man on ‘spiritual journey’ accused of stealing deputy’s cruiser, credit card

  1. ” …. there was a police rifle readily accessible in the passenger side of the vehicle.”

    Is that a wise idea in a vehicle that can apparently be readily accessed (and stolen) by anyone on the street?

    Maybe the Police could consider a better storage system.

  2. …you know, I’ve driven many vehicles that were not my own, sometimes for companies, sometimes for municipalities, and never have I had ANY reason to leave any credit cards in one, even if we DID stop by the ice cream place on the way back to the hospital.

    …and even in my OWN car, card goes in pocket, NOT in dash.

    …this officer seemed just a bit careless, at least in that…

    …also, I don’t know about this agency or how things are now, but it didn’t used to be a “grab and go” proposition to get the vehicle mounted shotgun/rifle out, there was a button on the siren that was NOT marked “GUN!” for the purpose of releasing it, and if you didn’t know WHICH button, it would make a LOT of noise. This is for obvious security reasons, but doesn’t compromise officer safety because the rifle/shotgun were not considered primary weapons, but rather special-purpose tools and would usually be brought up by the next guy to respond if needed.

    The cops I knew wouldn’t just lay weapons in vehicles they’re going to be nowhere near for a long time that anyone could just snatch like in the beginning of “Terminator”, because that’s just stupid.

    (At 1:24)

    …but it’s ALWAYS possible to steal ANY public service vehicles, but it’s ALSO very stupid because those things are NOT subtle even WITHOUT a GPS…

  3. …although to be fair, I do remember once leaving my wallet on the bumper of a squad because it fell out when changing out of turnouts, then having to go charging off into the night on a new call and not picking it up. God was good and I got it back, money and everything, because at 4 AM the first guy that found it was an honest garbage man who turned it into his company, who called me to get it. They wouldn’t tell me who it was so I gave them a reward to give to whoever even thought it wasn’t asked, and I hope he got it, he did a good thing I’m not sure everyone would do these days, especially after finding a City ID.

    So I guess I can’t be TOO hard on the guy for a single credit card when I put ALL my stuff at risk, God bless him, because crap most assuredly DOES happen…

  4. Let’s see, kid is 20 years old, happened in Gainesville, but he lives in St. Pete.

    It’s really quite elementary my dear Watson. He was a UF student, whose spiritual journey involved distilled spirits.

  5. Man….I’m sorta’ envious. Kid jacks a ride and stops off somewhere to use the credit card…. presumably to buy bibles…and it’s all a ‘spiritual journey’.

    It’s like something I would say to a defense lawyer.


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