LAPD Leaders Smear Breitbart News, Refuse to Explain How It Happened – IOTW Report

LAPD Leaders Smear Breitbart News, Refuse to Explain How It Happened

Breitbart: Top brass at the Los Angeles Police Department is refusing to explain who authorized a series of false smears against Breitbart News over the weekend, declining and ignoring requests to speak on the record with police management who publicly maligned Breitbart in a series of tweets.

The LAPD published the false statements starting early Saturday, bowing to pressure from left-wing Daily Beast editor-in-chief Noah Shachtman, who sent a tweet earlier that day demanding to know why an LAPD recruitment banner ad was appearing on Breitbart.

“Uhhhh why is the LAPD running recruitment ads on Breitbart?!” Shachtman tweeted.

Shachtman has a history of making derogatory and inflammatory statements about conservatives, once comparing American conservatives to ISIS.

Without giving Breitbart a chance to respond, police leaders including Chief Michel Moore (pictured) immediately acquiesced to Shachtman by making false statements about Breitbart, saying via Twitter that the department “celebrates diversity” and that the ad’s appearance on Breitbart “creates a negative juxtaposition to our core values.”

In addition to being pro-police and pro-law enforcement, Breitbart maintains a newsroom staff that is more diverse than many mainstream media outlets. Women and minorities serve in key editorial roles at Breitbart.

Despite these facts, which have been confirmed by the New York Times Magazine, the LAPD said it is launching an investigation into how the ad appeared on Breitbart so that it will never happen again.

“We take matters like this very seriously, and have begun an initial inquiry into the matter and to determine its validity, as well as what future steps can and will be taken to avoid this situation occurring in the future.” keep reading

SNIP: First, Progs are dumb. They have no clue how anything works in advertising.
Second. The LAPD’s specialty is playing the blame game.

7 Comments on LAPD Leaders Smear Breitbart News, Refuse to Explain How It Happened

  1. “In addition to being pro-police and pro-law enforcement, Breitbart maintains a newsroom staff that is more diverse than many mainstream media outlets. Women and minorities serve in key editorial roles at Breitbart.”

    All well and good. The problem, though, is that the LAPD is ANTI-Police and ANTI Law Enforcement. You can understand why they’d object to their ad being run at Breitbart.


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