LAPD Officers Fed Up with Violent Protesters in Downtown Los Angeles Toss BLM-Antifa Girls Like Rag Dolls (VIDEO) – IOTW Report

LAPD Officers Fed Up with Violent Protesters in Downtown Los Angeles Toss BLM-Antifa Girls Like Rag Dolls (VIDEO)

Gateway Pundit:

It looks like LAPD officers have had enough of the violence.

An angry mob gathered outside of City Hall in downtown Los Angeles Saturday evening demanding ‘justice.’

Police officers confronted a female protester standing in the middle of a street when a man rushed in out of no where and tackled an officer, knocking him to the ground.

Officers immediately rushed in with batons to subdue the man who assaulted the officer.

Enter Antifa girls.

A few females tried to attack the police officers and they ended up getting tossed like rag dolls.

35 Comments on LAPD Officers Fed Up with Violent Protesters in Downtown Los Angeles Toss BLM-Antifa Girls Like Rag Dolls (VIDEO)

  1. Saw this vid the other day. I was actually hoping to see more bodies flying. But it’s not bad.

    Can you imagine if a Biden wins and the DOJ is in democrats hands? The DOJ will be in overdrive going after ANYONE, INCLUDING COPS who attempt to stop the blm/antifa from rioting and creating chaos. Dem pols sanction the chaos. There is no doubt that the doj would manufacture charges against anyone who comes against blm/anitfa.

    Oh, well. Let the thugs make big liberal cities crumble. So there’s at least that.

  2. These officers in these cities where the riots are happening have showed amazing restraint. Sadly when these incidents occur where they have to push back it’s being videoed to prove that police officers are violent. They are in a no-win situation and I don’t know that I would’ve been able to continue as they have.

    Some days I think they should just let these cities burn but then the mob wins

    Prayers for them everyday day

  3. The first five comments are hilarious !!

    Caliban’s Rage • a day ago
    We’re gonna need bigger prisons.
    GeraldoMiguel Caliban’s Rage • a day ago
    Or at least larger cots that can handle their hefty girl status.

    TIREDOIGNORANT GeraldoMiguel • a day ago
    They are some biggons. Isn’t this CA? Guess they,re not caring about physical fitness anymore.

    Luther Wu TIREDOIGNORANT • a day ago
    Let’s play “toss the heifers”.

    The Mirror Luther Wu • a day ago
    Back in the old days….. we called that…. Cow tippin !! LOL

  4. They look like they belong to the third panzer antifa tank division.

    @fed up, Some days I think they should just let these cities burn but then the mob wins.

    I was there a month ago, but I say let it burn. Let them reap what they’ve sown.

  5. LAPD you have been tolerate for months…..GO FOR IT.
    If these women want to act like Billy Bad A$$ (Karen) Protesters.
    Spitting on and throwing bricks, rocks and yes even fire bombs at LAW Enforcement Officers, then take them down as they behave.

    Seriously treat them the same as they act, no more no less.

  6. There isn’t a cop alive who could hoist that moose in the maroon shorts that showed up late. I hope they were packing a Bull Buster cattle prod for just such instances.

  7. I think this is one of my favorites. It reminds me of a spoiled little girl stomping her foot and her ignorant liberal mama didn’t spank her ass so she has continued stomping her foot into adulthood. The screeching was hilarious and so was her other little bratty friend who never got her ass whipped, saying, “are you serious?” It’s like it’s the first time in their life anyone showed them actions have consequences.

  8. The problem I see with the “let it burn” idea is, when the dems cheat their way back into the White House, guess whose taxes will pay to rebuild the damage.

  9. Heh heh. Fascist pr0n. Pasty fat fascist skanks attack police, receive bruises and abrasions.

    I’m not calling the antifa any more. I’m calling them what they are: FASCISTS.

  10. Them’s some BIG-ASS mommas!!! 😮

    Good thing one of THOSE hippos didn’t tackle an officer! Unlike Anqueefer twig boy, they’d of been peeling the officer off the pavement like Kevin Bacon at the end of “Animal House!!!” 😮 😮 😮

  11. This is my favorite!
    I could watch the fatty go over the metal rail a thousand times.
    Then big momma shows up, but stops.
    Perhaps a whiff of the taco truck a few blocks over?

  12. The government needs to fear us. They need to let the police and the DOJ do their jobs.

    We need to rebel, force government to follow the Constitution and just leave us alone. We could stop this today if they let us.

    How do we do that?

  13. Antifa’s new weapon: Fatties hurling themselves at the police. They should be named Fat Bombs.

    When they explode, instead of shrapnel, the police get covered in chunks of fat.

  14. Those “girls” (and I use the term loosely) have been indoctrinated by movies and TV to think that women are just as badass as a man. The chubby one (I know that doesn’t narrow it down very much) was thinking “I can kick his butt, toss him aside and…WHAT THE HELL, I’M FALLING BACKWARDS OVER THIS RAIL…”


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