‘Large Amounts of Fraud’ in Biden-Harris Parole Pipeline for Illegals: Republicans Demand Answers – IOTW Report

‘Large Amounts of Fraud’ in Biden-Harris Parole Pipeline for Illegals: Republicans Demand Answers


Republicans on the House Homeland Security Committee are demanding answers from President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) over “large amounts of fraud” found in the administration’s parole pipeline for migrants.

This month, Biden and Harris’s DHS was reportedly forced to shut down a parole pipeline — known as the CHNV program — reportedly due to widespread fraud after hundreds of thousands of migrants were allowed to enter the United States through the program. read more

16 Comments on ‘Large Amounts of Fraud’ in Biden-Harris Parole Pipeline for Illegals: Republicans Demand Answers

  1. I have been desensitized to the point that I believe if the Republicans had incontrovertible proof that Biden and gang initiated, planned, designed, actively provided for, completely guided and totally assisted in the attempted assassination of Trump, NOTHING would come of it.

  2. jellybean
    Friday, 16 August 2024, 0:03 at 12:03 am
    “I have been desensitized to the point that I believe if the Republicans had incontrovertible proof that Biden and gang initiated, planned, designed, actively provided for, completely guided and totally assisted in the attempted assassination of Trump, NOTHING would come of it.”

    …now, now. There would be a VERY stern letter, suitable for inclusion in fundraising letters. come out of it, and a few seconds of firey speeches for use in the video versions of same.

    So not much, but not “nothing”, gotta keep the two-party pretense up after all…

  3. Starting to think some of the RINOs like Mitt Romney were (are) actually running the ‘pipeline'(s) (sic) of cheap labour.

    Makes ya go. . . hhhmmmmmm.

  4. Child-sex-slavery is hardly “cheap labor.”

    It is, in one sense, but completely disguises the more odious and objectionable facts.

    Not to mention the deliberate importation of terrorists (don’t mention that!).

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. I apologize for all of us in the anonymous community for the ignorant rantings of Anonymous above. He was released on a supervised pass but evaded monitors temporarily.

    I would like to promise that it won’t happen again, but unfortunately it probably will.

  6. Oooo, a strongly worded demand letter.
    The House will still fund them and nothing will get done.
    Congress is ceding more of their power to the Executive Branch all the time and most are too spineless to take it back.

  7. Everyone knows the whole problem with Washington DC is that the republicans don’t control the House, the Senate and the White House. Remember all they got done when they did? The Fing BASTARDS fought Trump every inch of the way.

  8. Article I, Section 8, clause 4 of the Constitution provides only Congress with the authority to control immigration for the purpose of becoming a naturalized citizen. Of course the current administration has repeatedly shown they do not abide by that document. What we have now is an invasion of foreigners without a government to protect us – in fact they are aiding and abetting this takeover of our country that so many of our brothers and fathers died for in its defense. Those days are gone and sadly, so is our country.

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