Large health system suspends, trashes doctor for opposing COVID vaccine mandates as evidence for natural immunity grows stronger – IOTW Report

Large health system suspends, trashes doctor for opposing COVID vaccine mandates as evidence for natural immunity grows stronger

Just The News: Evolving research on COVID-19 interventions calls into question whether bureaucrats, administrators and licensing boards are “following the science” by mandating vaccines and masks and threatening medical professionals for challenging pandemic orthodoxy.

The most recent cancellation involves the first large, integrated health system to impose a COVID vaccine mandate on employees taking the unusual step of publicly trashing an affiliated doctor last week.

Houston Methodist’s action shortly followed a cancellation campaign against Mary Bowden by the Federation of State Medical Boards.

The hospital suspended Bowden’s admitting privileges for sharing “dangerous misinformation” on social media — namely, her opposition to COVID vaccine mandates and qualified promotion of ivermectin as treatment. It also implied she may have lied about her vaccination status. more here

2 Comments on Large health system suspends, trashes doctor for opposing COVID vaccine mandates as evidence for natural immunity grows stronger

  1. The damned communists have taken over every institution, large business and government agency in the country. I don’t see how we’ll ever get rid of them. They’re like locust.

  2. This was not a ‘pandemic’ but an attack of (bio) terrorism with the aide of the AMA and a large portion of the medical community et al. Addicted to power, money, and their own greed, all.

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