Larry Elder Files FEC Complaint Against RNC for Biased Debate Standards and Illegal In-Kind Donations – IOTW Report

Larry Elder Files FEC Complaint Against RNC for Biased Debate Standards and Illegal In-Kind Donations

– Potential Fines Could Exceed $100 Million.

Gateway Pundit: Larry Elder, the conservative radio host and political commentator, has officially filed a complaint against the Republican National Committee (RNC) with the Federal Election Commission (FEC). The complaint alleges that the RNC has unequally applied debate standards and made illegal in-kind donations. If found to be true, the total fines for these violations could exceed $100 million.

Earlier this week, Elder, along with other candidates, like Perry Johnson and Miami Mayor Francis Suarez, failed to meet the RNC’s criteria for participation.

Frustrated by what he perceives as a rigged system, Elder has threatened to sue the RNC and Fox, to halt the debate, unless he is accepted onto the stage by 2:00 p.m., last Wednesday. He would also file a complaint with the Federal Elections Commission (FEC).

“I intend to sue the RNC to halt Wednesday’s presidential debate,” Elder wrote on X (formerly Twitter).

“I said from the beginning that it appeared the rules of the game were rigged, little did we know just how rigged it is. For some reason, the establishment leaders at the RNC are afraid of having my voice on the debate stage. Just as I had to fight to successfully be on the ballot in the California recall election, I will fight to be on that debate stage because I fully met all of the requirements to do so,” he added. more here

8 Comments on Larry Elder Files FEC Complaint Against RNC for Biased Debate Standards and Illegal In-Kind Donations

  1. I like Larry but alleging that the RNC made an illegal in-kind contribution to the candidates they “arbitrarily” allowed to participate in the debate is such a stretch it has zero chance of going anywhere.
    I’m not defending the RNC, I dislike Ronna but Larry is chasing a squirrel with this suit…

  2. “In other news today, onetime Presidential candidate Larry Elder was among the victims of a mysterious plane crash as he traveled to testify in his now-mooted lawsuit against the RNC. The FAA is investigating but say they may never know for sure as the flight recorders were not workimg and the ATC radar and communications logs were accidentally erased by the investgators, and none of the airport security cameras were working on that particular gate on that particular day. Prosecutors are vigorously pursuing a suspected link to Trump however, and are expected to hand down an indictment very soon.”


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