Larry Elder leads race to replace Newsom in recall election, new poll reveals – IOTW Report

Larry Elder leads race to replace Newsom in recall election, new poll reveals

SACRAMENTO (INSIDE CALIFORNIA POLITICS) – An exclusive Inside California Politics / Emerson College poll reveals conservative talk radio host Larry Elder is leading the race to replace Governor Gavin Newsom if he is recalled by voters.

The exclusive new statewide poll of more than 1,000 registered voters, which has a margin of error of +/-2.9%, asked respondents who they would vote for to replace Gov. Newsom. Elder led the pack at 16%, with John Cox and Kevin Faulconer trailing behind both at 6%. A large majority of respondents remain undecided.

Which candidate would you vote for to replace Gov. Gavin Newsom if he is recalled?
Larry Elder: 16%John Cox: 6%
Kevin Faulconer: 6%
Kevin Kiley: 4%
Caitlyn Jenner: 4%
Kevin Paffrath: 2%
Someone else: 8%

Undecided: 53%


17 Comments on Larry Elder leads race to replace Newsom in recall election, new poll reveals

  1. Over half are undecided?
    What fukkin morons!

    “Do you want to eat shit?
    Or would you rather eat cake?”

    “I don’t know … I can’t make up my mind …”

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. He won’t go anywhere but if they have televised debates, he will be able to spread his message & hopefully change some minds and attitudes.

    I have great respect for Elder, but the voter base in the world is now limited a name recognition & looks.
    I can not believe how many people admitted, after the fact, that they voted for Turdeau because he was “cute & handsome”

    At least we know NOBODY voted for Joe!

  3. Kcir,

    I distinctly remember an on the street interview of adults wherein one woman said she was voting for Bill Clinton because she liked Hillary’s outfits.

    The mental rot has been among us for far too long. It will doom us because our enemies figured out a century ago how to capitalize on and promote it.

  4. Unfortunately, communists, NAZIs and sociopaths run the courts, election offices and the state government. Larry Elder’s name will never make it on the ballot. And is by some miracle he does the people who control the voting process will see he does not win. They are going to drag his law suit out past the election and then say “Oh you were right ooopsy. Too late the election is over.”

  5. grool
    JULY 22, 2021 AT 8:33 AM

    “I distinctly remember an on the street interview of adults wherein one woman said she was voting for Bill Clinton because she liked Hillary’s outfits.”

    …chicks also voted for “Obama” for his voice and Bill Clinton because he was a rascally bad boy.

    …the 19th Amendment seems problematic at times in terms of getting thoughtful candidates to win, just sayin’…

  6. @grool

    That may be worse. Hillary’s fashion sense is that of a potato sack matched to polyester drip proof pants.

    Have a good day folks, Off to work to send 54% of my income to Justine Turdeau… See you after 5PM.

  7. Larry may be the last chance California has to save itself, but do voter’s care enough to do the right thing?
    Not if you look at recent history.
    We’ll see……

  8. To be honest, around 1990 Hillary was still a reasonably well built if average middle aged woman with a pretty darn good fashion advisor at her disposal. The Maoist sacksuit era coincided with the catheter bag.

  9. Looks like democrats are gonna have to CHEAT to beat Elders just like they did to Trump!



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