Larry Elder tries to school Jane Fonda about Minimum Wage – IOTW Report

Larry Elder tries to school Jane Fonda about Minimum Wage


Jane Fonda is barely an actress, but she must have convinced someone she’s an economist because she headed to Detroit this weekend to campaign for $12 minimum wage law.  Why do Detroit workers only get $12 and not $15? Because they’re Black?

Story here

16 Comments on Larry Elder tries to school Jane Fonda about Minimum Wage

  1. Why in the hell don’t ALL the commie loving assholes pack up their shit and head to a communist country???
    Oh, I know, it’s because they know that the rest of us are too ignorant to know what’s good for us and we should convert to their utopian unicorn farts.

  2. And she’s an authority on geopolitical issues why again? These people sure hold themselves in high regard. Put your money where you mouth is Hanoi Jane. Move Bitch.

  3. I will not discuss minimum wage with anyone who cannot answer the question, “Why not $100/hour?”

    Kind of like not trying to teach a pig to sing, really.

  4. Who gives a shit what that Fonda says. She starts as a starlet then toddles to Europe to screw most of the French cinema directors. Gets turned left betrays her country in Hanoi then becomes a feminist. Then she starts up with Ted Turner, gets fake tits for him, dons tight leotards and does fitness videos that are watched mostly by guys and spends most of her time as Ted’s new bitch and apologies to America for being a traitor. Does some movies, drops Ted (or he drops her depending on who you believe), gets the new tits removed, goes back to being a leftwing feminist with issues. Jane, nobody is listening.

  5. so, I guess she’s ok with the millions slaughtered bringing communism to Russia, china and everywhere else it’s practiced ?

    kind of like being ok with dismembering unborn babies for convenience.

    remember in these peoples minds it’s ok to slaughter the inconvenient !

  6. You folks can quote all the facts and statistics you want; the left, or Marxists as I like to call them, will not (cannot, really) process facts. They are driven by rhetoric, not dialectic; all they hear when you quote facts to them is “Charlie Brown’s teacher.”

  7. For politicians, the minimum wage debate is never about economics.

    It is always about getting votes, which is does 100% of the time.

    That’s why a rational discussion of the topic is futile.

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