Larry Elder Vows To End Gavin Newsom’s Mask, Vaccine Mandates In California – IOTW Report

Larry Elder Vows To End Gavin Newsom’s Mask, Vaccine Mandates In California

“I would encourage people to get vaccinated. I would not make it a mandate. I think this is America and I think a lot of people, for whatever reason, do not want to be vaccinated. Either because they don’t feel the vaccine has been thoroughly tested, because they feel it was approved on an emergency basis…they don’t want to be pushed around.”

— Larry Elder


California gubernatorial candidate Larry Elder, who’s running as a Republican, has vowed to lift face mask and vaccine mandates if he wins in the recall election next month.

In a series of recent statements, Elder said he would suspend all COVID-19 mandates in The Golden State immediately after taking office as governor. He stressed that vaccines work, which means masks and mandates are redundant.

Elder said people must assume responsibility for their own health choices, meaning vaccinations must be encouraged but not mandated. He added, the values of freedom and liberty are equally as important as public health. more here

5 Comments on Larry Elder Vows To End Gavin Newsom’s Mask, Vaccine Mandates In California

  1. I don’t encourage anyone to be inoculated. I think it’s a bad fucking idea.

    Thousands, if not tens of thousands of people are killed by the inoculation. People who already had the kung flu, and survived it.


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