Larry Elder: What the Media is Missing About Trump – IOTW Report

Larry Elder: What the Media is Missing About Trump

Why Trump Makes Sense.

7 Comments on Larry Elder: What the Media is Missing About Trump

  1. What the media doesn’t get is that the media is not wearing down and peeling off those people who said in 2015 and 2016 that , “Trump speaks for me.” The media is creating more of them every fake news cycle.

  2. 35 years ago KABC was conservative. Larry was the drive home guy. A Barry/Ronny man from day 1!! 1 of a handful of lawyers I trust. When Disney decided to go liberal Larry got fired; natch!

  3. Americans have no courageous fighters on the front lines battling for the survival of the dying Republic. The only choices we are allowed to know about are the puppet criminals who have had morally sold out souls since birth. Honorable people don’t last in the political arena. Arrogant liars get rewarded. Hillary the Vile still walks free!

    TRUMP: The Most Dangerous Economic Hitman & Financial Terrorist Of All Time
    Posted on August 25, 2019 by State of the Nation
    “Trump’s primary reason for even running again is to stay out of prison. The SDNY has it in for Trump and they have enough evidence to lock him up for life. For this very reason he has not gone after the Clintons or drained the swamp of even a single corrupt or criminal Deep State traitor. If he did, he would be outed for his deep involvement in EPSTEINgate, which is exactly why the case was reopened in such a big way. See Deep State goes after President Trump with EPSTEINgate.
    Lastly, every voter on the Right is now compelled to explain how Trump could have ever appointed Alex Acosta to Secretary of Labor when he was the key point-man who allowed Epstein to remain on the street for another 11 years (ACOSTAgate: Trump’s most damaging and radioactive scandal). Those who have an explanation better be ready to face the wrath of so many young female victims of child traffickers Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell.”

    The Prosecutors Who Have Declared War on the President
    The Office of the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York isn’t done digging into the Trump Organization.
    By Noah Feldman
    August 26, 2018, 7:00 AM PDT
    “In the span of one week, we learned that the Office of the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York had both secured a guilty plea from Trump Organization lawyer Michael Cohen and offered an immunity deal to the company’s chief financial officer, Allen Weisselberg. President Donald Trump should be worried. Once the Southern District gets its jaws onto a string of crimes, it doesn’t let go.
    Weisselberg, as part of his deal, will likely be required to provide information on all criminal activity he knows about. That spells potential disaster for Trump personally, and major problems for his presidency. That’s apart from any potential state-level criminal investigation by the New York district attorney’s office.”

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