Larry Flynt, Hustler magazine founder, dead at 78 – IOTW Report

Larry Flynt, Hustler magazine founder, dead at 78

He died of heart failure in Los Angeles

h/t Benito the Bombed Beaner

46 Comments on Larry Flynt, Hustler magazine founder, dead at 78

  1. All his obvious flaws and issues aside, I never liked the fact that he always put out offers to pay $$$ if people would expose conservative lawmakers doing something he could exploit, but oh, don’t contact him if it’s a democrat, he’s not interested.
    May he rot in flames, it’s the eternity he deserves.

  2. We can say what we want. To use a phrase ‘we know it when we see it…”

    Has it been extremely abused since? Being all of the media? Advertising and such…Yes it has.

    But to use another phrase, it’s called free speech and that is what is threatened right now.

    But you have the right to turn it off as well.

    Some say let the market decide.

    Guess what the market says?

    Yeah, human nature has its problems…

    And so does totalitarianism. Which makes human nature EVEN WORSE.

  3. Growing up in Columbus, just for trivia’s sake, we all knew which mansion in Bexley was his. On Broad Street along the bus route to art school. Never saw any hot babes on the lawn or anything…

  4. Flint rode around in a gold-plated wheelchair. I’m jealous.

    Wait ’till he becomes the new host of Satan’s Saturday Night Sleazy Sprocket Serials; I’ll give him a piece of my mind. Oh wait, that was worm food 70 years ago.

  5. I’m not reporting for a friend, I’m commenting as an observer of a few issues, and everything that was in them was disgusting as hell. If I was commenting for a friend I’d let you know.

  6. He was a champion of free speech. Free, sleazy, offensive, vulgar speech.

    Would I buy his magazine? No.
    Do I (and the Constitution) think he had the right to publish a tacky cartoon of Jerry Falwell back in the 1980’s? Sadly, yes.

    Because I don’t buy his magazine, I don’t even know if he published a cartoon of Jerry Fallwell Jr’s recent scandal –which he should have, although it is almost beyond parody. (Heck, I don’t even know if his horrible magazine is still published.)

    He was coarse and crude and complicated. And had more than his share of suffering in this life. But he did get a kick out of spotlighting double standards –even if he didn’t have any. And I got a kick out of his “Convict a Cripple” tee shirt, which was the first and still one of the best politically incorrect memes I’ve ever seen.


  7. Bob, I think he was shot and the damn fool survived.

    Yes joe6, the women in Hustler were always nasty.
    First time I ever saw a still pic of a BJ.

    Playboy had relatively classy pics.
    Penthouse used so many filters it looked like the women were all photographed in a haze.

    No wonder I need to wear reading glasses…

  8. LocoBlancoSaltine
    FEBRUARY 10, 2021 AT 11:06 PM

    “…No wonder I need to wear reading glasses…”

    …do you have hair on your palms, too?

    …and here I thought that was just a myth…

  9. @ Wild Bill

    I don’t know what you were scratching & sniffing in those magazines but it was not put on those pages at the printers.

    It Got there about an hour after they were purchased.

  10. As a Christian, I have a hard time wishing hell on anyone, but if anybody deserved it…he was an evil man. I would have preferred that he found his need for God before he died, but that apparently didn’t happen.


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