Las Vegas: If you want to attend a Golden Knights game, you may need to be vaccinated – IOTW Report

Las Vegas: If you want to attend a Golden Knights game, you may need to be vaccinated

It would be easier to not go to your games.

20 Comments on Las Vegas: If you want to attend a Golden Knights game, you may need to be vaccinated

  1. Itz called “Freedom”! You don’t have to get the vaccine…
    unless you want to go to a:
    Basketball game
    Baseball game
    Football game
    A concert
    A school event
    A restaurant
    etc, etc…
    Welcome to Utopia

  2. Can’t go on a cruise,
    Watch a damn game,
    Go to a theater,
    Fly on a plane.

    I’ll still buy my food,
    I’ll still buy my gas,
    So all fascist jabbers
    Can just kiss my ass.

    The vaccine’s a step,
    To say the very least,
    But it’s just a precursor
    To the mark of the beast.

  3. Just think of all the money no-experimental-gene-therapy-jabbers will save not going to this an any other venue that puts a gene-therapy shot as a condition for entrance.

    p.s. it’s not a vaccine, but you all know that already.

  4. Whadda joke! I ain’t getting jabbed. I don’t need to get on a plane or attend any sporting event. Didn’t attend sporting events before covid and I don’t plan to start attending. I’ve traveled extensively before covid, been there done that so I don’t need to be jabbed. Oh look, covid has spiked in States where vaccinations are high. You’re also told to wear a mask even though you’ve been vaccinated. Why? Because you’re a sheeple and you’ll do as you’re told! Not me!

    BTW, go into a store, shop, don’t wear a mask. If confronted by a store employee, ask them if the store wants your money. If they press the issue, leave your cart (which is full), and walk out. Make sure it has a few perishables in your cart – they have to scramble to put it all away. Don’t get mad, get even.

  5. I keep telling you people that it’s the corporate usurpation of our rights that is the biggest threat we are facing. Our government doesn’t protect the rights of the people from corporations because the government is owned by the corporations. Definitionally fascit.

  6. Huron March 21, 2021 at 11:35 am

    Goldenfoxx: That food usually goes into the dumpster.

    Cool, I just fed a bunch of dumpster divers….mostly homeless. I don’t feel so bad doing what I do. Store loses money, someone else wins. That’s the hole idea. Keep losing money over a covering on ones face, and you deserve to go out of business. Smart and Final here is taking a big beating in sales….people don’t want to shop there due to their hard-ass policing. Glad to help out!

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