Las Vegas man bleeding from a hair transplant refuses repeated demands to leave flight – IOTW Report

Las Vegas man bleeding from a hair transplant refuses repeated demands to leave flight


Hilarious footage captured the moment a man bleeding from the head refused demands to leave an American Airlines flight from Miami while his wife complained about pains from her ‘breast lift.’

Eugenio Ernesto Hernandez-Garnier, 27, was bleeding profusely from hair transplant wounds when he boarded a flight at Miami International Airport alongside his wife Yusleydis Blanca Loyola, 32.

The couple had flown from Las Vegas for a hair transplant and liposuction.

But on the way home, passengers on the flight alerted attendants to concerns of Hernandez-Garnier’s bleeding head, which caused a fracas onboard the flight. more here

16 Comments on Las Vegas man bleeding from a hair transplant refuses repeated demands to leave flight

  1. …umm, just getting dude off the plane shouldnt have been the end of it. They should have debarked EVERYBODY so they could follow Universal Bloodborne Pathogen cleanup protocols because God KNOWS what all that guy bled on during his boarding, seating, and subsequent energetic misbehavior.

    Everyone on that plane was potentially exposed to whatever diseases dude may have had, which is a LOT. And they may have taken it home WITH them on their clothes and shoes.

    They should all sue the airline for letting Hemoglobin Hairy on the plane in the FIRST place, and for not properly sanitizing the plane for their protection in the SECOND place.

    …besides, since they REALLY should have emptied the plane for cleaning ANYWAY, how much easier would it have been to make a general announcement to move everyone back to the gate “for technical reasons”, THEN jump on Bloody Bristles when hes in the open and less likely to fling fluid on everyone in a constricted aluminum tube?

    …bad job on the part of the airline from start to finish, from what I can see.

    Assholes ride planes, always have, always will.

    Its on the airline to properly deal with that fact…

  2. …also, its kinda stupid to get on a plane immediately post-surgery for both of them. Greater risk of infection from proximity to other people and canned air, reduced air pressure because planes arent pressurized to ground level, and the increased blood pressure that will naturally come with the anxieties of air travel.

    Not to mention that its gonna be a hot minute if you bleed out to the point of syncope, possibly doing even MORE damage on the way down. Planes dont carry blood supplies, after all, nor anyone who could use them if they DID.

    …Plus, if my doctor doesnt stop my BLEEDING, he and I are going to to have a long conversation about THAT before I fly hundreds of miles away. I would at LEAST want him to finish the job I paid for, and if Im still leaking, we aint done.

    And dont get me started on the stupidity of the woman with BREAST IMPLANTS. My wife had one for post-masectomy reconstruction and, long story short, DAMN sure didnt belong on a plane right after. Theres wound care and drains and a BUNCH of other stuff that isnt particuarly compatable with Coach seating.

    …so these people were idiots beginning to end, contracting a quack, allowing NO time for recovery, AND both getting needless VANITY procedures AT THE SAME TIME so neither was in shape to help the other. My wife and I have taken turns taking care of each other over the years, and recuperating from surgery is definitely NOT sonething I would want to do without a fully able-bodied person who loves me to assist me…

  3. Now those two are weirdos.
    And…gross! I would have asked to be put on a different plane. Why didn’t anyone say anything when they were in the boarding area? The gate agents took their boarding passes and let them board. Were any of the other passengers saying anything before they got in line?

  4. SNS: He should never have been allowed on the plane to begin with; it would have solved the whole issue before it began. And why didn’t he just wrap his head in gauze and wear a sock hat over it? Because he’s an idiot. And probably an illegal.

  5. They are delighted with all the attention they gathered on ignorant social media. Imagine how much time they spend per day!

    Their poor child is in a dark environment.

  6. Back when I lived in the Great White North, I had been sitting in the ER for one of my regularly unscheduled visits. I went in at noon. At one, a woman came in. She had had surgery on Friday. It was Tuesday. The incision in her chest had started to bleed. She was told that if it started to bleed she should go straight to the ER.

    The blood was leaking through her white top.

    She was still sitting in the waiting room at 4 PM when they finally called me so I don’t know how long she still had to wait.

    Isn’t “free” healthcare a wonderful thing?

  7. RadioMattM: pro tip: Next time you go to the ER, no matter what the reason, be sure to add “chest pains” to your symptom list; they will Move you to the front of the line. Your 4 hour wait will be reduced to only 3 hours.

  8. I’m pretty sure this couple scheduled their flights to minimize loss of time from work (or they could only afford an excursion package). Any outpatient clinic will give a list of post-op requirements and warnings. I traveled for outpatient back surgery (in Las Vegas) and was in a motel for two days convalescing before getting the ok to travel, as a passenger in a car. No driving and definitely no flying. (They told me before I went down to be prepared to stay in Las Vegas for at least a month, if needed. Fortunately, no complications and the wound was healing nicely.) I could have ignored their advice, and I’m sure that many do. They have no control over you, once you leave their facility.


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