Las Vegas Man Chugs Beer Flips Middle Finger At Shooter – IOTW Report

Las Vegas Man Chugs Beer Flips Middle Finger At Shooter

INSANE! Oblivious to the danger a drunk guy …

flips his middle finger at the shooter while chugging a beer!

I actually yelled at my screen “GET DOWN!”


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15 Comments on Las Vegas Man Chugs Beer Flips Middle Finger At Shooter

  1. Stupid. If the shooter saw him, he would only draw fire to him and all the other people huddled around him. Lucky for those around him, the line of sight distance was 4-500 yards, too far for the naked eye to make out and the targets were clusters of 20,000 concert goers.

  2. That, my friends, is called defiance in the face of evil. Not unlike what the country said to Hillary and the entrenched political elite last November. God bless America…

  3. some reports indicate that the deranged shooter was using a bump stock rather than fully auto weapons. I have never shot with a bump stock but feel that it would not be very accurate, especially at long ranges. More of a spray and pray type of weapon. This defiant, and not too bright, guy was probably pretty safe after the first shot in each mag. Still a Darwin candidate though.

  4. Murphy’s Law of Combat:
    Never a share a foxhole with someone braver than yourself.
    Look unimportant, the enemy may be low on ammo.
    Doing anything can get you killed, even nothing.

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