Las Vegas Sheriff Joe Lombardo Announces End To Mandalay Bay Massacre Investigation – No Motive Found – IOTW Report

Las Vegas Sheriff Joe Lombardo Announces End To Mandalay Bay Massacre Investigation – No Motive Found

CTH: Move along… move along… nothing to see here folks… Las Vegas Sheriff Joe Lombardo announces the end to the investigation of the Mandalay Bay Massacre with a declaration there is no known motive and there was no second shooter.


22 Comments on Las Vegas Sheriff Joe Lombardo Announces End To Mandalay Bay Massacre Investigation – No Motive Found

  1. motive was he hated people, country music, and all that goes with it.

    and he slipped while carrying a bunch of guns and inadvertently shot himself.

    there was no suicide note because he didn’t factor suicide in to the equation, he was planning on escaping and going dark, off the grid. until he was caught.

    his hero was ted kaczynski

    his girl friend is an idiot

    his brother is just like him. but he wasn’t involved and didn’t know anything about his plans in advance, and he quietly laughs inside about what he did because he also hates people, country music, and all that goes with it.

    it’s called profiling people.

    it’s easy and we all do it.

  2. How many tax-payer dollars were pissed away to come to this conclusion? Way to go Las Vegas!!! Keep up the good work!…
    We get the government we tolerate.

  3. Did he explain why the cops let the shooting go on?
    Did he explain why they waited so long after the shooting ended?
    He should resign for being incompetent.
    I hope he is not reelected.

  4. Oh, okay, thanks. I feel better now. It’s official. No cause, no connections, probably never happen again. Guy kills more than 50 people but no cause and no cause for concern.
    Meanwhile, society forces teenagers full of hormones and pharmaceuticals into factory schools and when one of them snaps and shoots a classmate or three, we have to ban guns.

  5. I think there is a pretty convincing scenario involving a Saudi hit gone to hell. That fucking Lombardo looked like he shit his pants at a couple of those early pressers. Whatever the truth is, it is not one shooter.

  6. @Joe6Pak And the extremely high angle of forensic
    wound analysis lean heavily toward helicopters firing
    down onto the crowd. The top floor of Mandalay owned by Saudi Prince, nothing to see here.

  7. A fake, a fraud and a phoney. Botched “investigation.” Half-assed statements by officials. Conveniently unavailable witnesses.
    Bogus through and through.
    These clowns aren’t even trying anymore.


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