Las Vegas Teen Converts to Islam, Plots ‘Lone Wolf Operations Against Enemies of Allah’ – IOTW Report

Las Vegas Teen Converts to Islam, Plots ‘Lone Wolf Operations Against Enemies of Allah’

PJ: slam is enjoying a vogue among young woke leftists that it has never enjoyed among any group in the Western world before, but recent news out of Las Vegas should remind us, and the Muhammad-crazed new converts, that there is a downside.

Las Vegas’ KLAS reported Friday that “Las Vegas police and the FBI thwarted a potential terror plot involving a 16-year-old.” Hey, bravo, FBI! Mighty good of you folks to tear yourselves away from hunting for Jan. 6 “insurrectionists” and “white supremacist terrorists” to investigate an actual terror threat! Sure, you guys are having great fun immersing yourselves in fantasy and heavily politicized propaganda, but it was great to see you take a break from all that and do some actual work!

If they really did any, that is. It was the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD) that held a press conference Friday to give the details of the investigation. An LVMPD official displayed a message that the teen had posted on a social media platform, which said: “Peace be upon all brothers who see this. I am here to announce that I will be starting lone wolf operations in Las Vegas against the enemies of Allah. I ask you to make Dua [prayers] for victory. I am a supporter of the Islamic State, and I will make sure the Zionists in this city know it.” Along with this message, the post featured an image of the flag of the Islamic State (ISIS). more

13 Comments on Las Vegas Teen Converts to Islam, Plots ‘Lone Wolf Operations Against Enemies of Allah’

  1. But the REAL threat according to theFBI is traditional Catholics attending Latin mass; those are the “religious fanatics” they need to be infiltrating and monitoring.

  2. “ TikTok craze, which first featured woke millennials praising Osama’s belligerent and antisemitic 2002 letter to America.”

    I suspect the ChiComs are working behind the scenes with fake accounts, encouraging the weak-minded.

  3. When I was 16 the ONLY thing that was on my mind was fast cars and the blond that sat in front of me in Social Studies with the huge hooters.
    I wonder if this sort of thing has anything to do with the drastic drop in testosterone in today’s version of males?

  4. Brad – “…Now that I’m thinking about it, my thought pattern hasn’t changed a bit since I was 16…”

    In which case, I hope that blond sitting in front of you is now your wife, for your sake. LOL!!.


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