Last Boeing 747 Rolls Out of Factory – IOTW Report

Last Boeing 747 Rolls Out of Factory

The iconic Boeing 747 has ceased development with the rollout of the final unit of the storied aircraft from the company’s Washington headquarters, Boeing said this week.  MORE

13 Comments on Last Boeing 747 Rolls Out of Factory

  1. Boeing’s assembly plant in Everett, WA, is an impressive building. They can have 3, 747’s lined up inside. And that’s only the 747 side of the building. I don’t know if it’s still true or not, but at one time and by a certain method of measurement it’s the largest building in the world.

  2. Worked for Boeing at McConnell AFB on the B52’s. A long time ago I will add. People often asked me how big the hanger was. My standard response was, “When they open the hanger doors the clouds come in.”

  3. aleon

    I can’t believe they’re still flying that air frame. We build a lot of parts for it. Last month we machined a part that hadn’t been made since the 70’s. I had to use the original 1952 Forging/Machining drawing, a major rev in 1966 drawing, and in 1972 they did a total redraw and built it out of plate. Any way I had to use all three to glean enough criteria to model it up. I love doing that shit and that’s while I’ll probably never retire. Wish I could post a Jpeg of that part.

  4. The seditious gay Kenyan commie is responsible for the firefighting version not succeeding. That worthless commie faggot put the skids to the program because developer’s brother was a Republican Senator from Oregon.

  5. I remember seeing one of these for the first time when I drove to Chicago for the first time in the early 70s. There I am driving my skinny ass from Cleveland in a 67 bug taking in the sights of the big city when a 747 rolls across the highway in front of me. I about drove off the road! I had no idea the runway went across the highway let alone the shear size of a 747!

  6. The first time I flew to England, it was on a Boeing 707 in 1974. The second time I flew to England it was on a Boeing 747 in 1994. What a difference twenty years made. The Queen of the Skies was awesome.

  7. I worked in Taiwan years back and went back & forth in a 747 from China Air.
    They put us in First class, above the cockpit.
    Looked out the window and we were three stories up!
    The service was great, pretty, thin, Asian women.

    I remember being warned not to use a portable CD players since they interfered with the cockpit instrumentation.


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