Late 1940’s Vintage Christmas music mix – IOTW Report

Late 1940’s Vintage Christmas music mix


7 Comments on Late 1940’s Vintage Christmas music mix

  1. Granted, I wasn’t born until 1957, but these songs still were predominate in my youth. Life was much simpler and fun back then.

    F*ck the regressive communist left. F*ck antifa and blm. F*ck George Soros. F*ck the 60’s revolutionaries: SDS, weather underground, black panthers, feminists and more. F*ck the power hungry politicians, corporatists and globalists. Congratulations, you have brought this country down to your level of self-loathing misery, and robbed us of our joy.

    Sorry for the rant, Clark Griswald does a much better job. Oh, and so does TRF:

  2. @ stirrin’ – ditto for me on simple and fun. Born in the early 60’s but this is the kind of music we had at Christmas. We didn’t have enough money to buy the latest and greatest and I quite glad now that we didn’t. Bing Crosby, Nat King Cole, Gene Autrey, Frank Sinatra and a few others are still the Christmas singers I love to hear.

    Simpler times and simpler pleasures that have been remembered fondly for my entire life.

  3. Christmas songs without Christ are empty songs to me. Just secular music about the winter season. THey go to a lot of effort to avoid mentioning Him on a day meant to honor and glorify Him.

    But that era music does make you ponder the good ol’ days when the music at our house was played on a radio on top of the refrigerator, playing outside in the snow in non-water repellent coats and gloves. Long underwear, overshoes, stocking caps and even extra pairs of pants. Ice skating on ponds, going to the big hill with all the other kids, sledding with old broken sleds, cardboard, even car hoods, going home for cocoa, sitting on top of the heat register to warm up, drying clothes in basement near the gravity furnace. The good old days were good, it was just hard to stay warm in the winter.


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