Late Justice Scalia’s son, Rev. Paul Scalia blasts Harris for insinuating Catholic charity a hate group – IOTW Report

Late Justice Scalia’s son, Rev. Paul Scalia blasts Harris for insinuating Catholic charity a hate group

Just The News-The Rev. Paul Scalia, son of the late Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia and a Catholic priest at St. James Catholic Church in Falls Church, Va., said Sunday he was wary of Sen. Kamala Harris, technology giants and other forces that he sees as encroaching on freedom of religion. 

Scalia also hinted at possible tangles between a Biden administration and the Catholic Church over birth control coverage mandates imposed under the Obama administration’s Affordable Care Act but repealed by the Trump administration.

In his Sunday sermon for the feast known as “Solemnity of Jesus Christ, King of the Universe,” Scalia said he was worried that in American society today “we find now a hint of the Marxist mentality, maybe more than a hint, in the politicization of everything.”

Specifically mentioning Harris by name, Scalia said he was upset because Harris, while sitting on the Senate Judiciary Committee in 2018, questioned the candidacy of now-Judge Brian C. Buescher, an attorney nominated by President Trump to sit on the United States District Court for the District of Nebraska.

“Not long ago, a federal nominee was criticized for his membership in the Knights of Columbus,” Scalia said. “Senator Harris had the not-so-subtle implication that the Knights of Columbus were somehow, some kind of a hate group or something like that. The Knights of Columbus.”  more

8 Comments on Late Justice Scalia’s son, Rev. Paul Scalia blasts Harris for insinuating Catholic charity a hate group

  1. Any group that does not support the GWB/BHO UNIPARTY is clearly a “hate group” at best, white nationalist at worst. IPSO FACTO

    Joe is not. He is putting many GWB/BHO alumni on his team!

  2. Your proof that CamallaWhore isn’t bright enough to serve high office is that she is too stupid to shut up.

    It’s extremely tough to make JoeBuyden look like the brains of the ticket, but she do!

  3. Sure everyone has their own axe to grind, but an broader view makes clear that POS-elect Harris is against all things decent.
    She might even has lighter skin if she was filled with a dark soul.

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