Latest news from the “‘Stans” – IOTW Report

Latest news from the “‘Stans”

France: 78-year-old woman stabbed repeatedly by Muslim migrant.

She showed him a kindness, he showed her the knife.

British Girl, 17, Suffers Three Sex Attacks in One Hour on Walk Home Through Muslim Tower Hamlets.

The teenager’s ordeal began when she was picked up on camera being carried by suspect 1 on Cambridge Heath Road and they were seen to go into a doorway after which the man is not seen again on camera. Items of the top half of the girl’s clothing were later found at the location.

After midnight, CCTV picks up the girl stumbling down Mint Street being followed by suspect 2…



Texas: Muslim Who Joined ISIS First Became More Religious.

Yesterday Jihad Watch brought you a report about these two Muslim brothers from Texas who joined the Islamic State, and their parents who lied to the FBI about it. The Dallas News has much more detail in its report, including this: “A Texas college friend who asked that his name be withheld because he didn’t want to be associated with Arman said he arrived at UT-Austin as a ‘pretty normal kid.’ But he became religious during his second year and gradually grew more orthodox. Arman was no longer playing soccer, basketball and video games with friends. He was spending more time at the mosque, he said.”

So once again we see a Muslim becoming more observant in Islam and then joining a jihad terror group.

“Moderate” Azerbaijan, Indonesia, Egypt: LGBT mass arrests, victims suffer beatings, abuse and forced medical examinations.

The authorities in Azerbaijan’s capital, Baku, have detained more than 80 people identified as lesbian, gay,
 bisexual or transgender since mid-September, reportedly subjecting some of them to beatings, 
electric shocks and forced shaving, Rupert Colville, a spokesman for the United Nations High Commissioner
 for Human Rights, told reporters in Geneva.

16 Comments on Latest news from the “‘Stans”

  1. Things are going swimmingly over there. Let the enemy in and stand aside.

    I drove by a newly constructed and hotly contested mosque in suburban Richmond the other day.
    They must have bought substandard glass for their windows. Shit just keeps breaking.

  2. iSlam is the scourge of the Earth. It is a doctrine of conquest and domination, fueled by hatred over all else. Its intolerance preaches death or subjugation of all those that do not follow the rules. Islam is simply Fascism hiding under the “religious” protection of a burka. Lift that burka and underneath you will see the re-incarnation of Hitler. Call it what it is, a fascist, totalitarian political state without borders out for conquest and domination over all and we in the West should give it no quarter and certainly no protection under any religious or Politically Correct umbrella!

  3. These invaders will not assimilate. Rather, they will annihilate.
    Civilization will take a thousand-year step backward.
    There will be no diversity, no sympathy, no culture, no quarter.

    There will be only blood.

  4. There are only two types of muslims… that is dead and one should be dead. The silent ones are merely awaiting for the leaders to take over whatever country they are presently infesting.
    They should eat with the same hand they wipe their ass with.

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