Latest Spending Bill Gives Afghan Military 3X More Funding Than Southern Border Wall – IOTW Report

Latest Spending Bill Gives Afghan Military 3X More Funding Than Southern Border Wall

OAN: The latest spending bill is set to give the military of Afghanistan three times more money than the construction of America’s southern border wall. One America’s Pearson Sharp explains how US tax dollars to Afghanistan are often wasted by corrupt officials as well. more

9 Comments on Latest Spending Bill Gives Afghan Military 3X More Funding Than Southern Border Wall

  1. ^^^^^^^^Wut?
    anyhow, that’s our congress in action. More coin for graft and corruption…..
    “The first stage in the corruption of morals is the banishment of truth …”
    Michel de Montaigne

  2. Well that really sucks – kind of like finding out that the Grinch is in charge of providing the punch at the Holiday Party at the office – stand by for grape kool-aid.

    How much ends up in Joey or Hunter Biden’s pocket placed there by companies run by demorat politician families?


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