Latest VA scandal: Dentist exposes patients to Hep and HIV – IOTW Report

Latest VA scandal: Dentist exposes patients to Hep and HIV

The dentist still has not been officially named

Tomah, WI (WXOW) – The dentist involved in possibly infecting nearly 600 veterans at the Tomah VA has resigned.

Late Friday afternoon, the VA said in a statement that the resignation came one business day before a meeting of the Summary Review Board (SRB) was scheduled. The SRB is used in situations, according to the VA, that warrant separation from Federal service.

On Tuesday, the VA’s acting director, Victoria Brahm, said that 592 veterans receiving dental care from the dentist were possibly exposed to serious infections such as Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, or HIV. Brahm said the patients were seen by the dentist between October 2015 and October 2016. During the veteran’s treatment, Brahm said, the dentist chose to use his own equipment and failed to properly sterilize that equipment used on patients, all in violation of the VA’s rules.   read more

12 Comments on Latest VA scandal: Dentist exposes patients to Hep and HIV

  1. Whoever was supposed to be in charge of routine safety audits should be named in a class suit by these vets. No one should be allowed to resign. Their record should be clear about their offenses and show that they were fired.

    There was another story (today?) about how personnel at another VA hosp/clinic ‘resigned’ when a vet’s wounds were found to have maggots.

  2. Where does the VA find such awful people? And so many of them…!

    You all know me pretty well by now, and you know that there are vanishingly few areas where I want to see anything other than heavy shrinkage or complete disappearance of feddle govt agencies and powers. But the VA is different. When men and women joined the armed forces, they made a deal with the govt, and one of the most important promises the govt made to these people was to provide medical and health care for them should they wounded, injured, or diseased as a result of their military duties. This is mighty close to a sacred responsibility the govt took on and they are failing at it.

    Damn, this shit makes me angry. Really, really angry.

  3. Uncle Al, to your point, if recruit knew this there might be a lot less of them My fahter recieved excellent care at Great Lakes Naval Station after major injuriesin the Chosin Resevoir battle in North Korea, December 1950. But that was the 50s, and 60s, when our veterens were valued..

  4. @Uncle Al — It is a sacred duty to care for our veterans. Period.

    The problem, as I see it, is that no one is paid — however much that may be — to think. The regulations to be satisfied must be knee deep and so what do they spend their energy doing? I hope whoever Trump appoints to the VA is ruthless regarding patient care and dumping deadwood and poor performers. It should be an honor and privilege to serve our warriors. It should be very hard to get a prized job at the VA.

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