Latest violence by illegal immigrant on judges’ hands – IOTW Report

Latest violence by illegal immigrant on judges’ hands

Howie Carr:

Another horrific crime committed in Boston by another poster boy for judicial coddling of violent Third World illegal-alien criminals.

C’mon down Sreynuon Lunn, under arrest for the beating of an elderly woman in a wheelchair while robbing her of $2,000 cash, because, he told cops, he was a junkie who needed money for a drug fix.

Surely you remember this career criminal from Cambodia. The Supreme Judicial Court (SJC) ruled three months ago that law-enforcement had no right to arrest or detain Lunn or anyone else “at the request of Federal immigration authorities, pursuant to a civil immigration order.”

The illegal had already been cut loose because of a different insane US Supreme Court decision shielding violent illegal aliens from deportation. But the SJC ruling re: Lunn, moot as it was, was hailed as basically making Massachusetts a “sanctuary state” for illegal Third World criminals.

Attorney General Maura Healey hailed the SJC for its “smart” decision. A call to her office Monday asking her if she still considers the Lunn decision “smart” was not returned.

Of course, this is not the first time a foreign criminal has been treated with kid gloves in Boston and cut loose by the local judiciary, with bloody results.


5 Comments on Latest violence by illegal immigrant on judges’ hands

  1. Doesn’t liberalism make you proud??
    Let’s open all the borders, let all the scum from third world countries into our country.…..let’s support their pathetic, demeaning culture while destroying ours.

    Jesus H. Christ, let’s encourage their love of destruction, especially towards America.
    What greater way is there to show our love of intolerable, worthless human beings to share in the western culture?? /s

    According to the phucking liberals, we owe it to the ungrateful, insolent, American hating assholes to freely destroy our way of life, at our expense.

    A great big FUCK YOU is much too insignificant to express my gratitude towards your brazen, arrogant, and socialistic desire to force such unacceptable practices upon those of us that prefer freedom, and the pursuit of happiness to your endless desire of control over the very people that put you in office.

    I say FUCK YOU and I hang my head in shame for lacking a stronger, more offensive term of disgust that would better describe my feelings of your selfish, over-controlling and unbearable desire to hold sway over human beings.

  2. what a job being a professional politician and civil servant is because there is absolutely no personal responsibility that goes along with the job.
    do what you want when you want and the hell with the citizens.

    sounds like the whole 60’s hippie generation motto.
    that’s because the governments full of them.

    they didn’t tune in and drop out, they took over.

  3. Glad to see that Howie is getting the recognition he deserves. Yes, Sreynoun Lunn is just another Masshole who is a victim of White, Patriarchal Amerika! Seriously, this is why the Commmonwealth needs to be occupied by the Federal government and reformed the hard way.

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