Latino Democrat support for Kate’s Law and anti-sanctuary city measure – IOTW Report

Latino Democrat support for Kate’s Law and anti-sanctuary city measure

Spero: In a 257 to 167 vote on June 30, the House of Representatives pass Kate’s Law, a bill that has won support from President Donald Trump and Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz that stiffens penalties for illegal immigrants who re-enter the United States repeatedly, while also imposing even stiffer penalties for those convicted of felony offenses. Among the two dozen Democrats who supported the measure was Rep. Henry Cuellar, who represents Laredo, Texas. The bipartisan vote came despite objections on the part of the Democrats’ leadership.

The legislation now goes to the Senate, where the passage of the bill can only come with bipartisan support. In the Senate, where Republicans need 60 votes for passage. With a slight margin of 52 to 48, Republicans are not expected to win over Democrats. Cuellar also voted with a few other Democrats in favor of another measure, despite objections on the part of his party leadership. The House passed a bill that strips federal funding from sanctuary cities that do not cooperate with federal immigration authorities. The measure passed 228 to 195, with Cuellar one of three Democrats to support it.  more here

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