Latino Trump Supporter To Run Against Maxine Waters – IOTW Report

Latino Trump Supporter To Run Against Maxine Waters

American Lookout: Maxine Waters has been in the news a lot lately because she’s constantly criticizing Trump. As a result, she has become a new darling of the left.

Now she has a Republican challenger for the next election named Omar Navarro. He’s a Latino and a Trump supporter!

Here’s a press release from his website:

Republican Omar Navarro On The Campaign To Unseat Maxine Waters

Torrance, CA – Omar Navarro the Republican challenger to Maxine Waters for Congressional Seat of the 43rd District was on the front lines in the City of Cudahy’s bid to be considered a sanctuary city. He continues his campaign to unseat “career politician” Maxine Waters.

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14 Comments on Latino Trump Supporter To Run Against Maxine Waters

  1. I have to think that a large percentage of legal Latinos especially the ones that went through all the immigration hoops, stayed clean and received their citizenship would side with a decent Trump supporting GOP candidate. Blacks that finally get a job because of Trumps policies either economic or deporting illegals would be sorely tempted to leave the plantation as well for a good candidate. If Trump can hold the economy together during the coming correction and remind America’s enemies (maybe opponents is a better word) that they’re dealing with a resurgent America and to alter their behaviour accordingly politicians like Waters, Warren, Schumer, Pelosi and the like will find themselves on their too generous government pensions or like Warren going back to work for the big Wall Street Bankers, Pelosi slugging back wine from her vineyard in a Big Gulp Cup, Schumer trying to get on as an adviser some big corporation and Waters selling crack.

  2. Good. Primary all these traitors.

    Trump’s endorsement will sway these elections. Yugely.

    2018 will be a Democratic slaughter. Perez and Ellison together at DNC are the Dem’s Sweet Cyanide Pill Of Death.

  3. I agree with Rufus T. I too believe the dems/communists are going to get their rear ends handed to them next year. The dam has broken on these rats, and going all in w Perez and Ellison is going to blow up in their faces. The party is on the verge of imploding. Republicans are not exactly coherent. May you live in interesting times.

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