Laughing at the Self-Destruction of the Media Gatekeepers – IOTW Report

Laughing at the Self-Destruction of the Media Gatekeepers



by Kurt Schlichter:

The media meltdown we are gobbling popcorn to right now is the result of two key phenomena – we normals have grown tired of the media elite’s lies, and today’s technology allows us to ignore the people who would presume to tell us what we can and cannot know. As the walls collapse around the few remaining information gates and we barbarians bypass them, gatekeeper gigs are becoming as rare as jobs for millennials with masters degrees in Feminist Interpretive Dance.

Now you media creeps are finding yourself ignored and irrelevant as America proceeds to do whatever the hell it pleases whether you like it or not. We don’t need you; we can and will get our information by ourselves.


11 Comments on Laughing at the Self-Destruction of the Media Gatekeepers

  1. … and the pitcher winds up … he’s into his delivery … there goes the pitch …. the batter swings …….. Holy Cow! he launched a rocket! … that one’s out of here! … game over … Good night Miss Agnes!

  2. What I love is that for any article you see that talks about newsroom reductions at the Washington Post, quarterly losses at the New York Times, etc, you will see hundreds of comments expressing great pleasure in the demise of the elite media.

  3. The same applies to the Hollywood hypocrites and sports elites, and worthless long-termed politicians, who think we are chained to their ignorant personnas. Their box office and popularity numbers are sinking faster than Colin hits the floor during the National Anthem. Go suck a lemon, we just don’t need you as much as you need yourself.

  4. I just hope that the ones who have threatened to move.. actually move when Trump takes office. I’d like to see the rest either fired or bagging groceries for minimum wage at the local grocery store.. better yet, brink back the stockade, lock them up in the center of town while everyone either humiliates them or spits on them..

  5. Hey, come on I wanted to hear about Madonna’s hangnail or fungus or crotch rot or whatever foreign object she might stick in her vagina. Now that is vital information and is why we have a free and unfettered press to keep us informed of what is really important!

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