Laura Ingraham Gets 10 PM Slot At Fox News – IOTW Report

Laura Ingraham Gets 10 PM Slot At Fox News

Ingraham, a former Ronald Reagan speechwriter, hosts her own radio show and is the founder and editor-in-chief of

Laura Ingraham Gets 10 PM Slot At Fox News

13 Comments on Laura Ingraham Gets 10 PM Slot At Fox News

  1. Go Laura! That was good news until I read the part about moving The Five back to their old time slot instead of giving them the bums rush like they did that hideous show The Specialists.

    Now it’s Faux News only 22 hours a day.

  2. Well… I guess it will be interesting… I dunno. I like Laura, but I stopped watching Fox after they made all the big programming changes. FNC is on the ropes and needs to do something. I don´t think this is a bad move, but ratings will tell. Quite frankly if Fox News is ever going to do something meaningful, they need to get rid of Rupert´s little Rat-Baggers who are busy making MSNBC look good!

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