Laura Loomer Blasts Republican Party Leadership for Being Hypocrites Who Are ‘All Talk, No Action’ on Censorship – IOTW Report

Laura Loomer Blasts Republican Party Leadership for Being Hypocrites Who Are ‘All Talk, No Action’ on Censorship

Gateway Pundit:

Florida Republican congressional candidate Laura Loomer is blasting party leadership for caring more about censored news articles than censored candidates.

Loomer, perhaps the most censored woman in the world, won her primary while being banned from every major social media platform. Her campaign is also the only one banned from running ads on Facebook.

She has been kicked off Twitter, Facebook, Uber, Lyft, PayPal, GoFundMe, and other platforms for her fierce and controversial criticism of Islam.

Speaking to the Gateway Pundit, Loomer specifically called out Senator Josh Hawley, who has been portrayed as leading the charge on big tech censorship.

“The RNC has refused to help or even address the deplatforming of my race despite the fact that I’m an official nominee and endorsed by President Donald Trump,” Loomer said.

“When I went to Sen. Josh Hawley’s office over a year ago to request a meeting with him about tech censorship, his staffer threw my card in the garbage,” Loomer explained. “This was despite him telling me at CPAC two years ago that he would help me.” read more

7 Comments on Laura Loomer Blasts Republican Party Leadership for Being Hypocrites Who Are ‘All Talk, No Action’ on Censorship

  1. Label facebook a monopoly and break it up. That’s what they did with Microsoft, and no look at Apple? It’s moved up the ranks and is now a monopoly too.

  2. This woman is, hands down, the most solid candidate I have ever seen. She’s fearless. She’s more out spoken then Tom Tancredo. If anyone has a few dollars you can spare, pitch in to her.

    I’ve used the metaphor, why aren’t _________ on the steps of the Capital calling this shit out, many times. This woman will be doing exactly that.

    We need her in the House. Hell the confrontations she’ll have with Ilhan and AOC will be priceless.

  3. As Barry said 60 years ago in his book (a hard read, but if you want to know why the GOP act left/lib and lies about it it is worth reading, ) the “leadership” are all “limo libs” who lack integrity!
    When GWB said 14 years ago, “I hope I am the last Republiacn President!” I think that was the only time he was honest!


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