Laura Loomer Files Charges Against Dem Candidate – IOTW Report

Laura Loomer Files Charges Against Dem Candidate

Laura Loomer has filed charges against Rashida Tlaib, who attacked Loomer after she asked TLaib why she married her brother. (No, she really did) At that point TLaib grabbed a hold of Loomer and took her phone.

Tlaib was doing a joint campaign event with fellow Muslim candidate Rep. Ilhan Omar, when Loomer approached and asked them about their anti-Semitic comments. Both of the candidates make no effort to hide their hatred of Israel.

“We cannot allow American foreign aid to be used to violate the human rights of people of any race, nation, or ethnicity. I will not fund or stand by silently when there is injustice.”

Laura Loomer took to Twitter, stating: “Palestinian Congressional Candidate @RashidaTlaib ASSAULTS Jewish Journalist Laura Loomer at Muslim Political Event hosted by @IlhanMN In Minnesota”


10 Comments on Laura Loomer Files Charges Against Dem Candidate

  1. Incest creates easily controlled brainwashed warriors for the coming conflict. Preach an angry message to them, point them in the direction you want them to go, and turn them loose.

    They’re a lot like leftists, come to think of it.

  2. The religion of peace gives no excuses, regrets, or apologies for smearing anything Jewish, American, or Christian.

    We will marry, martyr, slander, and be-head anyone we choose.

    Do not get in our way or ask us questions, infidel dog.

    We are be taking your country from you stupid appeasers!


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