Laura Loomer Warns Kevin McCarthy – IOTW Report

Laura Loomer Warns Kevin McCarthy

My money’s on Laura.

12 Comments on Laura Loomer Warns Kevin McCarthy

  1. Is she not the best? If she gets into the House she will be a force along the lines of MTG and Boebert but if ballsier if that’s possible. I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised the scum bag McCarthy won’t try and pull some shit.

    Same damn thing is happening right now to Joe Kent here in WA. The Rs are backing BIG TIME, his R opponent Beutler, who voted for impeaching DJT. A new PAC has suddenly appeared with over $700K in dark Big Pharma, Koch money which they’re using to smear Joe. Who BTW is a decorated combat vet whose military wife was blown up by an IED in Afghanistan. How GD low can you go?

    The RINOs are scared to death that another dozen MTGs are going to get elected and are pulling out the stops.

    Wayne Allen Root floated the idea that Trump should run for Speaker and while that’s a huge long shot, can you fookin’ imagine??? It would be a 180 on who is living the nightmare wouldn’t it?

  2. McCarthy doesn’t want anyone else in Congress who will hold him to his word of bringing the Dirty Dems to task.
    He just wants more theater that results in nothing.

  3. What the GOPe has learned the last 34 years is YOU CAN PLAY WITH FIRE AND NOT GET BURNED. Which is why Kev and Mitch are “the leaders”!

    Had GOPe even got a little blister the last 23 years liar Mitch would not be “leader”!

    If only conservatives could get a majority of GOP; when Hell freezes!

  4. Loomer is a true patriot. She’ll be a Godsend in Congress. Praying see seeks the True and Living God for wisdom and protection. Never expect the Demon-crats, their allies like RINOs and communists to play fair.

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