Eruption Forces Evacuations In Residential Hawaii.
Breaking 911: The eruption in the Leilani Estates subdivision in the lower East Rift Zone of Kīlauea Volcano that began late Thursday afternoon ended by about 6:30 p.m. HST. Lava spatter and gas bursts erupted from the fissure for about two hours, and lava spread a short distance from the fissure, less than about 10 m (33 ft). MORE
“Tutu Pele” must have stepped on a lego again….
Or ate a burrito.
And in other news from the state legislature…
Like a dumbass I tried to live on the big island after Lazlo divorced the Harpy.
I must have pissed off Pele (although what soccer has to do with all this is beyond me) because I ran afoul of the locals.
Ended up leaving because it was a truly hostile environment, and the gun laws are ridiculous.
Lazlo lived right in that area.
Now I see that God had a much better plan for me. Although it felt like defeat at the time.
Hawaii is basically the tops of volcanos that rise up out of the sea – it could blow up at any time, and it’s controlled by libtards and frequently visited by Obozo. I think I’ll vacation elsewhere.
The potential for global warming is very real when your planet’s core is hotter than the surface of the sun yet, somehow, plays no role in the temperature on the surface.
Who would have known that living on a volcano could be so dangerous?
Mooch is visiting Hawaii again, for sure…..she musta had the double bean burrito with ghost chili for breakfast again.
Look for even cooler weather in 2019.
Damn those NorK Nukes!
I was there during th 83 eruption. I hiked up to an observation point with my 6 month old son in a back pack. I have some great pictures of that day.
In related news, the leftist asshat Hawaii legislature has announced a “lava tax” to be imposed on all residents rich enough to pay federal income tax. The money will be used to pay for preventing volcanic eruptions.
That is all.
Call me uncaring or selfish, but living on top of an active volcano sound really dumb. Same thing for those building homes in Tornado Alley, or on beaches of the Atlantic Ocean. Every location has dangers, to be sure, but why live where the danger can’t be predicted or avoided?
“Lava spatter and gas bursts erupted from the fissure…”
As opposed to the saliva spittle and flatulence erupting from D.C. politicians.
Hey, Gabbard, say ALOHA to your District.
Couldn’t happen to a more ungrateful population. Take that 50th star off the American flag.