Law enforcement world slams Biden’s advice to shoot suspects ‘in the leg’ – IOTW Report

Law enforcement world slams Biden’s advice to shoot suspects ‘in the leg’

Just The News: Law enforcement officials are slamming Joe Biden’s suggestion that police officers should shoot violent assailants in the leg to avoid a potentially fatal altercation, with experts arguing that police are trained to do exactly the opposite of what Biden advised in order to minimize harm during violent confrontations. 

In an extended exchange with a questioner during his Philadelphia town hall event with host George Stephanopolous Thursday, Biden laid out his vision for police reform, including his opinion of how police officers should utilize deadly force while on the job. 

“There’s a lot of things we’ve learned, and it takes time,” he said, “but we can do this. You can ban chokeholds … but beyond that, you have to teach people how to de-escalate circumstances.”

“So, instead of anybody coming at you and the first thing you do is shoot to kill, you shoot them in the leg,” he offered as an example. 

‘Why don’t we train the military to do that?’

Multiple law enforcement officials argued to Just the News that Biden had strongly misjudged the logistics of police use-of-force. 

“It’s a myth,” Dana Schrad, the executive director of the Virginia Association of Chiefs of Police, said of Biden’s notion that leg shots are a practical alternative to current police training. 

“We have a continuum of use of force policies that we follow,” she said of police officers. “Officers are trained to de-escalate situations, to use the minimal force necessary, to contain a situation, and to bring it to a peaceful conclusion.”

“If an officer is forced to use lethal force,” she continued, “that means there’s imminent danger. If there’s that level of danger that would force an officer to use a firearm, he’s trained to shoot to body mass.” read more

38 Comments on Law enforcement world slams Biden’s advice to shoot suspects ‘in the leg’

  1. “Shoot him in the leg”

    The cry of someone who has never shot a handgun, especially under stress at a moving/resisting person.

  2. Everyone recognizes that when confronting life and death situations the best source of advice should be sought from a venal slimebag who’s never faced a dangerous moment.

    {With one exception, democrats should follow his advice.}

  3. …setting aside how incredibly stupid that is tactically and practically, I guess Joe also is under the impression there aren’t any major arteries or veins or anything in your legs, so yeah. 100% non-lethal all the time /s…×273.jpg

    …yep, nuttin’ important there, no chance of THAT ever being lethal, nuh-uh, just shoot low and everything will be fine /s…

  4. If, heaven forbid, I’m ever attacked and need to use lethal force to stop the threat, it might well be that shooting the guy in the leg is the first thing I’d do…

    …after dropping the now empty mag for a full one.

  5. …by the way, you don’t even have to hit a blood vessel, if you break a femur, you can go into hypovolemic shock from that ALONE due to the fact that’s where your blood COMES from, so ALSO a way to die quickly from a leg shot, so no, NOT non-lethal…

    The femur is very vascular, and fractures can result in significant blood loss into the thigh. Up to 40% of isolated fractures may require transfusion as such injuries can result in loss of up to three units of blood. This factor is significant, especially in elderly patients who have less cardiac reserve.”,who%20have%20less%20cardiac%20reserve.

    …humans are actually pretty easy to kill with guns regardless of WHERE you shoot them.

    …which is why the general rule is to never pull a gun on anything you’re not willing to kill.

    …with the corollary being to not do things that make a cop pull a gun on you…

  6. @Supernightshade,
    When I saw “texasheart” in your link it made me think of what is known as the Texas heart shot. A Texas heart shot is an impossible shot when the threat is coming toward you.

  7. I would think the other problem with this is shooting and the bullet going through the leg or missing him entirely and then hitting somebody else, versus body mass which tends to stop a critical defense bullet as designed.

  8. “Owning a hand gun doesn’t make you armed anymore than owning a guitar makes you a musician.”

    I read this the other day, but I cannot remember who I’m quoting. Any of you armed men or women know who said it?

  9. Answerman Cooper
    OCTOBER 17, 2020 AT 9:45 AM
    When I saw “texasheart” in your link it made me think of what is known as the Texas heart shot. A Texas heart shot is an impossible shot when the threat is coming toward you.”

    …yep, that’s a tricky one, not that Democrats don’t ACT like animals and scare easy if there’s no cops around to arrest patriots, but getting them to run on all fours might be difficult to make that line up…

  10. This from the moron suggesting firing two shotgun blasts in the air forprpwlers, breaking multiple laws.

    Biden is a corrupt, demented, perverted, ignorant, and incompetent fool.

  11. A couple of times a year i have the boys up to the cottage in North Ontario.
    We drink, we fish, we eat copious amounts of food, but foremost in our minds is the late night target shooting.
    As good Canuks we all have our firearm acquisition licenses.
    The target area is well lighted and we have rules to follow.
    Most of us have rifles with scopes some have hand guns.
    Judging from the results we see from the targets you would have to be an Olympic level shooter to hit someone in the leg,possibly at night and while they are moving
    Just an observation.

  12. SNS, my that’s a horrible and horrifying looking bunch of freaks posted in those pictures. Yikes, run away as fast as you can, none of them are up to any good. Especially the 2nd guy from the right on the bottom, he looks like a criminal out of a Batman movie.

  13. Ban choke holds as all your vital stuff is in the neck.

    Non-lethal shots in ANY part of the body should be in training. A guy with a knife doesn’t need a head or chest shot. Imminent danger, yes, deadly force.

    If a situation calls for a counselor, then if the city can afford them, they should be called, police are not trained to deal with every situation, and they usually deal with it with a bullet to the head, as what you can expect from community college graduates.

    Great ideas Joe, but none of them will be implemented, just like every election year.

  14. jellybean
    OCTOBER 17, 2020 AT 12:38 PM
    “And then there’s Superman, he will stand still and take bullets to the chest that merely bounce off but then he ducks when the gun is thrown at him.”

    …why DOES he duck, anyway? And has anyone ever tried shooting him in the FACE? If he’s just gonna stand there ANYWAY, maybe even try for the eyes, he’s RIGHT THERE, go for it…

    …also, any bystanders ever get killed by the ricochet? many questions…

  15. Gee! Until now, I’d never known that dangerous people could shoot and keep shooting using their legs or feet. Maybe the new tactics could have press people approaching the dangerous person first, followed by the sensitive trained negotiator, followed by the leg shooter, finally wrapping up with someone who could hit center mass if all else fails. Might save a few police and improve the gene pool…

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