Law & Order: SVU Mocks Covington Catholic Kids In The Middle Of A $275 Million Defamation Suit Against NBC – IOTW Report

Law & Order: SVU Mocks Covington Catholic Kids In The Middle Of A $275 Million Defamation Suit Against NBC

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This ain’t it chief…

It’s probably not the smartest idea to mock a group of people as bigots as they are currently suing you for $275 million dollars in a defamation lawsuit. Earlier this year, the media savagely attacked a group of high school kids in DC for apparently harassing a Native American man in an unprovoked attack. The media deemed the kids to be the problem because they were white men wearing MAGA hats, what actually happened was the kids were approached by the said man who began beating a drum and chanting in their faces. This led to people on Twitter condemning the kids, some of which going as far to call for physical violence against them due to their ‘perceived’ actions.

This leads us to NBC, as reported by Lindsay Kornick of Newsbusters, NBC’s Law & Order: Special Victims Unit not only maintains the media lie about the Covington Catholic kids but the show also manages to play defense for Rep. Ilhan Omar.

The May 9 episode ‘Assumptions’ opens with two Jewish teenage boys running from a vandalized synagogue where we find Muslim Councilwoman Nahla Nasar has been raped (because literally, every episode is about someone getting raped). Since one of the teens, named Ari, wore a red cap, a narrative quickly forms, especially when Nasar points him out in a lineup. “This boy grabbed my hijab and spat in my face,” she says. “These people are Islamophobes. It’s in their blood. One of these boys must have raped me.”  MORE HERE

12 Comments on Law & Order: SVU Mocks Covington Catholic Kids In The Middle Of A $275 Million Defamation Suit Against NBC

  1. Wrong on so many levels. Where in the world are gangs of Jewish kids assaulting and raping Muslim women, when it is literally just the opposite wherever large numbers of Muslims are found? In Israel tou can find mosques, but in what Islamic country can you find synagogues (at least ones that haven’t been bombed). So sick of propaganda disguised as entertainment. This is why I don’t watch networks anymore.

  2. I’m sensing an overlap here. Is LO Special “Victims” Unit and Empire by the same screenwriter?

    Fake Indian, fake Muslim, fake attacks.
    $2.5 mil, real $$$$$.

  3. I absolutely despise this program and the actors in it, especially that Hargitay woman.

    Everything is sex, sex, sex. Nothing else matters in the show except sex. It has taken sex from a beautiful act of love to something nasty, filthy, and indecent.

    It also maintains a liberal political outlook.

    My wife watches it all the time. As soon as I hear the opening “music”, or whatever it is, I go to another room.

    It is the most appalling program on TV

  4. This show has become a tool to rewrite actual events to fit the fake news media narrative and pedal the crap out to the last of the nitwits that still watch this crap. They ran out of original ideas for the franchise well over a decade ago.

  5. Dhimmis.
    I wonder if the leftists who put this crap out even realize what would happen if the islamists did take over and establish sharia law?
    They’d be some of the first thrown off the tops of buildings.

  6. Law and Order Franchise hasn’t been about Law and Order for decades since Dick Wolf decided not to give a shit and leave the running to this left wing Canadian named Rene Balcer. Dick just cashed the checks while Balcer poisoned the rest of the shows as Wolf’s right hand man. In any event when NBC goes to court to apoligise for their actions the plaintiff just queues this up and recalculates the award.

  7. Here is some context to Balcer and his TV show: he (Balcer) received a Margaret Sanger Award from Planned Parenthood for his Law & Order: Criminal Intent episode “The Third Horseman”.

    Dig into their backgrounds a bit and you understand the crap they’re selling.

  8. The Smirky Sandman – Right on Nick, stay strong and listen to Mr Woodman, the MAGA Avenger.

    Who out there knows how to send this site IOTW to the lawyer or other people. They need our support.

  9. L&O SVU is nothing more than sheeple indoctrination. All men are (somehow) guilty. Mega conditioning on letting the cops into your home because as the detective states over and over, “It’s better if we talk inside.” and right on cue the homeowner lets them inside.


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