Law Professors Say VP Pence Could Become the Deciding Factor Over Who Gets the Most Electors – IOTW Report

Law Professors Say VP Pence Could Become the Deciding Factor Over Who Gets the Most Electors

Trending Politics-

Democrats and their unhinged allies on social media can claim that the 2020 presidential election is “over”, and that Joe Biden won all they want, but in truth, according to a growing number of experts, it’s not over.

Not yet.

Increasingly, law professors and legal experts say the election could come down to President Donald Trump’s No. 2 man, Vice President Mike Pence.

How so? The 12th Amendment, which was ratified in 1804. more

18 Comments on Law Professors Say VP Pence Could Become the Deciding Factor Over Who Gets the Most Electors

  1. …Pence is a globalist who knuckled under to homos as Governor of IN and who’s never noticeably been the President’s pit bull like a Vice President is supposed to be.

    Even if he were not actively part of the problem, he simply doesn’t have the ballz for it.


    …we’re not getting out of this without war. Doesn’t matter if we want it.

    We’re going to GET it.

  2. I hope that more than two law experts agree with that. The opening said that the number is growing.

    It would be good if it works out that way but it rests on whether the VP can make a determination of the validity of the electors’ votes, and not restricted to merely counting them.

  3. Pence has claimed to be MAGA and he DID end up kicking Kamalas butt in the 2nd half of their debate…..
    But I have always thought of Pence as a RINO,deep down inside….
    Who knows WHAT he will do?

  4. Trump picked Pence, and he’s gotten good mileage out of him. As with most of Trump’s hires, the talent pool he had to pick from was shallow and swampy. Pence has been a good foil, and he has stood by Trump through thick and thin. If it comes down to this one neat electoral trick to win, I believe Pence would stand and deliver. I certainly trust him more than John Roberts.

  5. Sorry, but this is just bullshit.

    The VP does not get to determine disputed votes from undisputed votes, that is the job for the courts and ultimately SCOTUS.

    I think we all agree that many Biden votes are suspect but the vast majority were not, can you imagine a Harris,a Biden or a Gore playing petty politics, trying a lame parliamentary stunt like this and really subverting the will of the people? At that point the revolution that some folks here keeping harping on would be justified.

    We rail at the bastardization of the Constitution that the left routinely indulges in, like impeaching a president over policy disagreements. The founders never intended the VP to be an impediment or a hindrance to the process.

    We should not be encouraging this.

  6. Yeah, most of Biden’s votes were legitimate, except for those that appeared in the dark of night after the counting was stopped and only in the few key states that Biden needed to turn a landslide win by Trump around. The votes came in by the tens of thousands without being viewed by poll watchers or any proper oversight.
    Nothing to see here!

  7. I’m still waiting for an explanation for the missing mail truck with a couple hundred thousand votes that came from out of state into Penn. The truck still hasn’t turned up and the driver was interrogated by the postal authorities about why he was on tv but not about where the vanished ballots could possibly be.

  8. “Nothing to see here!”

    No, there is something to see here, but a determination needs to made as to just how big that “something” is and the VP should not play a part in that.

    Just how many of these Biden votes are fraudulent/illegitimate, what should be done with those “disputed” votes,should certain states recount or do they get to certify their count now, and once that decision is made, what is the final vote count and who will be the next president, SCOTUS will decide these issues, that is consistent with Constitutional authority.

  9. “SCOTUS doesn’t follow the Constitution, either. Good luck with that one”

    They do sometimes, it mostly depends on the ideology of the Justices at the time they make the decision.

    And their ideology is not always the one they profess in public.


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