Law Prohibits Pence From Accepting Electoral Votes From Fraudulently Certified States – Constitutional Lawyer – IOTW Report

Law Prohibits Pence From Accepting Electoral Votes From Fraudulently Certified States – Constitutional Lawyer

National File: Citing the United States Constitution and U.S. Code, Constitutional Lawyer Ivan Raiklin says it is Vice President Mike Pence’s duty to instruct states to expeditiously send their Electoral College Certificates immediately if they have not been received.

U.S.C. 12 explains that “When no certificate of vote and list mentioned in sections 9 and 11 of this title from any State shall have been received by the President of the Senate or by the Archivist of the United States by the fourth Wednesday in December, after the meeting of the electors shall have been held, the President of the Senate … shall request, by the most expeditious method available, the secretary of state of the State to send up the certificate…”

Beyond the allegations and evidence of widespread fraud presented by both President Donald Trump’s legal team and independent lawyers and witnesses across the United States, several states have now sent competing slates of delegates to Washington, D.C.

Additionally, Republicans in Pennsylvania and Arizona have asked the U.S. Congress not to accept the votes assigned by the state’s Secretary of State, suggesting they represent fraudulent election results. read more

11 Comments on Law Prohibits Pence From Accepting Electoral Votes From Fraudulently Certified States – Constitutional Lawyer

  1. …doesn’t matter. Pence proved he could not stand up to Democrat pressure when he recinded DOMA as Governor of IN because some gey men yelled at him, so he’s DEFINITELY too much of a wuss for THIS task, should it fall to him.

    …besides, Pence was added to the Trump ticket because he’s GOP-E all the way, and they had to do it to placate the Establishment Rs to even get the nomination.

    Pence will throw the election to the fraudulent Biden side as well, if given the chance. Its in his DNA.

    …I’m afraid our options remain the same: shoot or surrender.

    …and they’ve already made it clear there will be no mercy for surrender…

  2. A SCOTUS ruling in 1892, McPherson v. Blacker, stated that “Whatever provisions may be made by statute, or by the state constitution, to choose electors by the people, there is no doubt of the right of the legislature to resume the power at any time, for it can neither be taken away nor abdicated.”

  3. If each of the Secretary of State’s, knowingly certify fraudulent result, can be they be charged with contempt or of a felony?
    Which also means every MSM anchor person, talk show host, and actors, should be charged with being complicit.
    Might be why so many have been charge with sexual misconduct, like Charlie Rose, to get them out of the way.
    Here is a list of 262 that have been accused since 2017. The Me-too movement took away their ability to contest the allegations.

  4. Pence has a moral and legal obligation to his country to uphold the Constitution of the US. This has been a fraudulent election from the beginning – it started back in 2016 to get rid of Trump. This is the Republicans last ditch effort to overturn this fraudulent election or we’re DONE! Pence and Trump may as well leave this country if they allow this fraudulent election to stand. Trump won’t concede.


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