LawDog’s theory on the NORDSTREAM pipeline incident – IOTW Report

LawDog’s theory on the NORDSTREAM pipeline incident


*crosses self*

“Hail Mary, full of grace …”

Ok, the Nord pipeline incidents.

Sigh. I shouldn’t do this, but …

I call them “incidents” for a reason. I grew up in overseas oilfields. I try to, by training, observe everything from as objectively neutral a viewpoint as possible.

In my experience when anything involving energy-industry hydrocarbons explodes … well, sabotage isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. And honestly, when it comes to a pipeline running natural gas under Russian (non)maintenance, an explosion means that it’s Tuesday. Or Friday. Or another day of the week ending in “y”.

“But, LawDog,” I hear you say, “It was multiple explosions!”

Yes, 17 hours apart. No military is going to arrange for two pipes in the same general area to be destroyed 17 hours apart. Not without some Spec Ops guy having a fit of apoplexy. One pipe goes up in a busy shipping lane, in a busy sea, and everyone takes notice. Then you wait 17 hours to do the second — with 17 hours for people to show up and catch you running dirty? Nah, not buying it. more.
h/t joe6pak, and the Feral Irishman. <— Go say “hi”

31 Comments on LawDog’s theory on the NORDSTREAM pipeline incident

  1. Couldn’t do them both at the same time, that’s too obvious.

    After watching the globalist monsters install their puppet, and how they went about it, there’s nothing I would put past them.

  2. It’s perfectly plausible. It makes sense that Obama’s third term would make hay with it. They scheme and plan with the mastery of a chess champion, sure, but they are excellent at taking advantage of a crisis, improvisation if you will, when it presents itself.

  3. I have not read, or seen pictures of the damaged pipeline. That will at least give us clues. If it blew open like an exploding cigar that would certainly give credence to hydrate explanation.

  4. One phrase we need to scrub from our vernacular post haste is,”It doesn’t make sense”.

    When you factor in the incompetence of most world governments and their militaries (especially ours), the deplorable craftsmanship in anything built in Russia, the mental unfitness of both Putin and Zelensky, and the spy vs. spy secret squirrel shit both leaders practice in an effort to make the other look bad, “making sense” is not even in the equation.

    But, much like the origins of Covid and how an imbecilic drooling mental patient could win the last presidential election, if enough effort is made to hide the facts, justice and truth get put on the back burner.

  5. All we have are sides ready to blame the other sides. This incident is fertile ground for conspiracies. Will we ever know the truth about it? I’m doubtful.

    People are still arguing over what really happened on Nov 22, 1963, and that was almost 60 years ago.

  6. I’m guessing such a pipeline expert is also attributing the explosive laden “underwater drone” (remote vehicle) recovered next to the, exact, same pipeline a few years ago (severed control umbilical) was just poor Russian maintenance? As well.

  7. I don’t know. I think if it’s not an accidental, internal reaction, then the best explanation is that Russia did it themselves. They can so easily blame the US because of the stupidity of bidennulandblinkin, and the statements they have made. This would give putin the freedom to retaliate as he sees fit and defend his actions. We are in for a bunch of shit no matter the story.

  8. @joe6pak October 3, 2022 at 11:45 pm

    > then the best explanation is that Russia did it themselves

    Russia, Russia, Russia! Already shut the valves. They could have extorted negotiated with German industry (as opposed to the pædotranny lickers in the government), about what it would take to re-open them. For as long as they wanted to wait. Winter is, still, coming.

    So they decided, not to give away, but burn away their best cards?

  9. fnuck, it’s probably worth more to Russia to blame the US for this than what would be gained by pumping the gas. The Russians have 3 billion customers for their gas in Asia, they are not dependent on the euro pussies.

  10. Why couldn’t (or wouldn’t) a submarine with a hatch to accommodate an atmospheric diving suit be used to slip in, set a charge and remote detonate be used? If it’s black Opps who would find out? The charges could have been placed weeks before the detonation. Too many players in this game.

    I also accept Russian incompetence. They generally don’t spend resources on safety related issues.

  11. @joe6pak October 4, 2022 at 1:02 am

    > it’s probably worth more to Russia to blame the US for this than what would be gained by pumping the gas

    I didn’t get a copy of Vlad’s spreadsheet. He might agree.

    But he seems good at “playing” a long game. Crippling Germany, as a (false) warning to the rest of the EU, of the (true) parasitism of The United States, won’t cause Germany to walk away from NATO, nor the EU. After they’ve been broken. Again. Especially when their only short term solution to their supply problem requires submitting to other NATO and EU members, that have a genetic hate on for Russia! Russia! Russia!

  12. Not that relevant but it reminded me…
    Remember when the Deepwater Horizon oil spill occurred on obama’s watch and they waited a month to even make a statement about it?
    Black privilege.

  13. fnuck, years back I went to Germany for the first time.
    I was surprised to see countless wind farms.

    The Germans made their fucking bed and now must lie in it.
    I can only assume Germans have ADHD, since they can engineer the hell out of some things yet make some really fucked-up world changing decisions.

  14. @mickey moussaoui October 4, 2022 at 1:13 am

    > Why couldn’t (or wouldn’t) a submarine with a hatch to accommodate an atmospheric diving suit be used to slip in

    Because the water at the “incident” site is shallow (for a submarine), and ridiculously monitored. For Russian submarines.

    Not ruling out flippers on the “ground”. But insertion and recovery by (an undetected) submarine is not an option.

  15. @LocoBlancoSaltine October 4, 2022 at 1:20 am

    > they can engineer the hell out of some things yet make some really fucked-up world changing decisions

    Two different “silos”. Imagine that.

  16. It’s a perfect explanation. It completely bypasses the fact that the Baltic is a NATO lake, it avoids mentioning that various NATO entities were hovering all around the scene of the explosion for months and days beforehand, it doesn’t have to admit to the mad skillz the Russians would have needed to secretly blow up their own pipeline under heavy scrutiny—17hours apart!—AND it plays like a violin on Western belief in the drunken, shambling incompetence of Russians. Yes, it’s a perfect theory by a defense lawyer. I am assuming “Lawdog “ is a lawyer, and not an engineer.

  17. I will say that so far this is the first explanation that has had some substance. Maybe it’s right, maybe it’s wrong, I have no idea, but it is an interesting read. I also think that Thirdtwin makes some very good points that I agree with, but let’s face it, it’s all speculation until some actual proof comes bubbling up to the surface.

    So far as Fuzznuts Son of Dorf is concerned – Hey! stop sign, thank you, turn around, horse shoe, turtle turd, cumquat, honk honk, boodle-beep, derp-derp, dinga, dinga, dinga, dinga … yer credibility is pretty much in the dumper, but hey keep trying!

  18. @TRF October 4, 2022 at 9:22 am

    > yer credibility is pretty much in the dumper

    The fact that you rely on credibility for “your” thought is… just… sad.

    God speed, hero!

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