Lawmaker Doesn’t Understand Laws (I know, you’re shocked) – IOTW Report

Lawmaker Doesn’t Understand Laws (I know, you’re shocked)

17 Comments on Lawmaker Doesn’t Understand Laws (I know, you’re shocked)

  1. Whether or not he actually understands the words in the Second Amendment is debatable. Many if not most leftist DO understand the full meaning of that Amendment. They just don’t like it so they lie about it. As for electing lawmakers who don’t understand laws…. I can go you one better. In 2018 Nevada elected a State Attorney General…the HIGHEST legal position in the state outside the State Supreme Court… who COULD NOT DEFINE the word “misdemeanor” when asked.

  2. Democrats are the worst. Almost think it should be OK to slap them on sight.

    You don’t have a legit position. You should be put in your place if you persist. Like a rabid dog. There is no conversation that stops you from being rabid.

  3. My second-most lefty friend thinks the 2A is an enumerated right that can be taken away.

    I made sure he knew there would be a tremendous amount of bloodshed if that was attempted.

    For a proclaimed 180 IQ, he’s a very stupid man.

    Well, he’s a former, retired, lawyer. Stupid is as stupid does.

    I told him I would kick his ass in court on this topic. His arrogance is his weakness. He underestimates his opposition because he believes untrue things.

  4. Have you seen the latest from the ATF?
    They now have a snitch line.
    They say it’s to rat out “trigger pullers”
    On the picture advertising their new app they have a white guy racking a round while his finger is on the trigger. ugh
    All I can think of is the meme with the black guy saying, “You are really, really dumb”

  5. The typical democrat office holder is a complete moron. That’s who the party wants. It’s a virtual dictatorship because these dumb assholes just vote what they’re told to vote and spew any bullshit imaginable as a smoke screen.

    The bonus with black democrats is that they represent a constituency of low IQ morons who are easily organized into an intimidation mob.


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