Lawmaker Seeks Legislation and Licensing for Cajun Navy – IOTW Report

Lawmaker Seeks Legislation and Licensing for Cajun Navy

4WWL: NEW ORLEANS – The Good Samaritan who rescued hundreds, maybe thousands, of people during the ‘Great Flood of 2016‘ said he was not happy after a state lawmaker announced he wants to introduce legislation around future actions by citizen heroes.

Some of these citizen heroes, a loosely-organized group called the ‘Cajun Navy,’ gained national attention for their rescue efforts last week, but that attention is nowhere near the pushback lawmakers are discussing when it comes to a lawmakers proposal to require permits for citizen rescue groups.  more

30 Comments on Lawmaker Seeks Legislation and Licensing for Cajun Navy

  1. “Lawmaker Seeks Legislation and Licensing for Cajun Navy”

    Translation: Lets take something that works, and fuck it up.

    It’s for the children.

  2. If you don’t take responsibility for yourself, family and neighbors, you leave it to the government.
    Is that really an option?
    If it is, you’re probably gonna die waiting and waiting for some bureaucrat to decide who to rescue first…
    Get a clue… it ain’t gonna be you or your family.

  3. A well regulated Cajun Navy, being necessary to the security of a free and safe state of La. , the right of the people to keep and use boats shall not be infringed.

    If passed I expect the doofus who wanted to require licensing would try to limit freedom of use by buying up all the boat fuel, having various state agencies that don’t even own a motor pool buy millions of gallons each month.

  4. “I thought many political jurisdictions had legislation on their books that it was a crime not to help people in accidental distress!”

    It was a crime until they found out how to make a buck on it.

  5. On a related note, back in 2005 a friend was the head of the Los Angeles FEMA search and rescue team. He had that role because he was head of LA County Fire Dept. medical program, a very highly-trained man and team. They went out to New Orleans a few days after Katrina hit. They were told in no uncertain terms that they were not permitted to go out and do search and rescue unless they had a state police officer with them, and that none were available. They were threatened with imprisonment if they went out against orders. When the friend related this, a couple of years later, he was still visibly upset at the treatment they had received.

  6. What part of “Good Samaritan” does that F*tard not understand.
    May his house catch on fire with his family trapped inside as he watches and his neighbors look for their training certificates, state registrations and licenses for “helping”.
    As one comment in the article stated it is time for training the state police.
    If someone is coming out of the area with stolen loot then they can do something about it.

  7. @ Uncle Al – I’m with you in spirit!

    The problem with government is it is not an abstract – it is run by people, mainly, people I don’t know to whom I have given no authority over me and who want nothing but more power over me and everyone they think they rule.

  8. Just pass a Good Samaritan Law. Like when you atop to help at a car wreck you aren’t liable for being imperfect in your rescue. Your intent was pure.

    Take away the punishing aspect of crossing those barriers and that problem stops.

    REMOVE the problems. Don’t create more – he is a Democrat at heart. They always want to regulate every damn thing and have it controlled by the gov. Fuck them

    They keep forgetting they work for the people not rule over them. It’s time to put them back in their place when they get like this.

  9. He has said, in no uncertain terms, that the next time this happens (and, it’s Louisiana, there is no “if this happens again”) that the government of Louisiana demands it’s residents die, rather than live without the government of Louisiana. If the residents of Louisiana (as they are expected to) agree, not simply to allow these spree killers to sleep safely among them, but even tip them for their effort, then who are we to disagree?

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