Lawmakers ask Army to provide cots for National Guard members sleeping on Capitol floor – IOTW Report

Lawmakers ask Army to provide cots for National Guard members sleeping on Capitol floor

“This reminds me of when we slept on the marble floors in Sadam’s palace,” said one veteran, recalling the 2003 fall of Baghdad. “But we had it better. We had cots.”

Just The News: Two key lawmakers on Thursday asked the Army to provide cots for National Guard members who have resorted to sleeping on the marble floor of the U.S. Capitol.

House Appropriations Committee Chair Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.) and Defense Appropriations Subcommittee senior member Betty McCollum (D-Minn.) took their plea directly to Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy. 

“With the uncertainty for needed rest and recoup time in flux, and to ensure that the Guard members are fully able to execute their protection mission, we urge you to make available cots or other equipment to more easily facilitate their ability to rest while they are on Capitol grounds,” the lawmakers wrote.

The Jan. 14 letter follows the publication of images showing National Guard members sleeping alongside their weapons, curled up beneath statues, or sprawled out and using their packs for pillows.  more

24 Comments on Lawmakers ask Army to provide cots for National Guard members sleeping on Capitol floor

  1. Why aren’t they allowed to sleep on the plush king size beds inside of each congressmen’s office? You know, the ones they have a special, secret tax payer supported sex fund used for paying off the office staff they share it with!

  2. If DC had a republican mayor they would have been properly housed, fed and treated. The dems hate the military, believe that soldiers are uneducated rubes not capable of other employment. No doubt it is a personal affront to Muriel Bowser to have them, or the cops for that matter, anywhere near her city.

  3. When BLM and antifa were burning, looting, murdering and destroying the leftist controlled cities the left wanted absolutely nothing to do the the National Guard. But now, oh, we are best buds.

  4. They saw the images of troops sleeping on the floor, but I’ll bet not one of the dumbasses have had the courage to walk down and see it for themselves.

    Also, their reason for giving the troops cots: “…to ensure that the Guard members are fully able to execute their protection mission”. It’s not like they care about their comfort, it’s all about us.

  5. Hmm, One difference from O and Joe is that O had the bolts taken out of the Marine’s rifles when they marched by in parade. He knew he deserved to be shot. These guys are not bolt-less.

    So, Trump ordered all these guys in for “protection”?

    Maybe it’s true he’s going to arrest about 190,000 traitors?

    A guy can dream.

  6. They are coddled misfits whining that they have to sleep on the floor and be ready to shoot anyone protesting. They took an oath, let’s see who they shoot.

    Read an article recently where the youth of today aren’t fit to serve in the military. They were either too stupid or too fat. I can see how American can be easily invaded by the Chicoms or Russia.

  7. For the left everyone they consider as pawns turn into victims. They have no regard for the National Guard until it became a tool to promote their agenda and another leftist grifting scheme.
    Guess it never occurred to the National Guard to set up tents and beds, latrines, mess halls etc. on the grounds of the Capitol for the convenience of military personnel.
    Might as well – the U.S. is under a coupe by the left, anyway. Why should the left care about optics. They’re not shy about showing force.

  8. @Brad and Dadof4 – ask yourselves WHY are 20k plus troops in DC right NOW?

    Two reasons:

    A) TO protect DC in the event of Biden actually getting the POTUS, from ANY protesting BLM instigated and other non MAGA ‘protestors’.

    or B) to PROTECT DC in the event Trump actually gets re-elected from MANY nut jobs that we saw all summer that WOULD attack out of real rage.

    The Trump Hotel in DC has a fence in front of it. WHY?

    IF Joe Biden will be inaugurated?



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