Lawmakers File Bill to Shut Down U.S. Department of Education – IOTW Report

Lawmakers File Bill to Shut Down U.S. Department of Education

The New American:

A coalition of Republican lawmakers led by U.S. Congressman Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) introduced legislation to shut down the U.S. Department of Education, arguing that there is no constitutional authority for the controversial bureaucracy to exist. Top Republicans from Reagan to Trump have called for such a move but it has remained elusive thus far. 

The bill, dubbed “H.R. 899 – To terminate the Department of Education,” is just one sentence long: “The Department of Education shall terminate on December 31, 2023.” If approved, the federal agency would have to cease operations prior to next year, with control reverting to states and local communities.   

The liberty-minded Kentucky lawmaker, who announced the move on Twitter on February 14, has been a longtime champion of ending federal involvement in education. “Unelected bureaucrats in Washington, D.C. should not be in charge of our children’s intellectual and moral development,” the congressman said when he filed the same bill in the previous Congress.  more

21 Comments on Lawmakers File Bill to Shut Down U.S. Department of Education

  1. Foolish posturing. Such a bill has zero chance of enactment. Moreover, it provides the Dems with a rich source of anti-GOP messaging for the next elections.

    “Dismantling the vital institutions of our democracy!”

    “Attacking the futures of America’s children!”

    Or words to that effect.

  2. 𝒞𝓇𝒶𝒸𝓀𝑒𝓇FJB𝒷𝒶𝒷𝓎
    FEBRUARY 17, 2023 AT 7:19 AM
    “Just dreaming here; were this to actually gain traction it could be the beginning of something beautiful…

    How about….NO.

    And you’re going to get investigated for sins against Muh Democraci for even bringing it up.

  3. This is something that I have hoped for from the time I realized that our taxes go to this federal department instead of our state Dept of Education. Our states then have to beg and grovel under the rules of the federal government to get what little money from our taxes they deem proper for the local yokels to use for their snot-nosed kids.

    Having worked in the education field for 15 years, I have seen a lot. When Common Core came out, all the states had to try it. NONE of them liked it and as soon as they could, they began adjusting how it was administered and slowly throwing it in the trash. They saw what it was doing to their students, and they rebelled. Some had the money spigot reduced to get them back on board, but many of the larger states just increased their millage to make up for it.

    I pray that God will have mercy and allow this to pass and give Biden a brain fart as he signs what he thinks is a bigger percentage than 10% to the big guy! Miracles CAN happen, you know!

  4. The DoEd could easily be replaced with a committee of 50-100 people whose sole job would be to write competency tests for 4th, 8th, and 12th grades. No pass, no advancement. Leave the monies saved to the states.

  5. Huge step in the right direction, better still would be a constitutional amendment.

    Congress shall not fund, direct, impose, or mandate any education policy upon the states Nor shall congress bribe or coerce any state into accepting any public educational policy.

    section 2
    Except as a benefit of employment with the federal government or as a benefit for service in the military Congress shall not fund or guarantee any funds to any individual for the purpose

  6. Brad FEBRUARY 16, 2023 AT 11:47 PM

    Start with something that doesn’t have the power to destroy your life. If that one gets done, learn from the experience and then move on to more dangerous territory. But I like the way you think on this one…

    Your first rifle probably wasn’t a 375 H&H


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