Lawmakers Move to Strip Governors’ Emergency Powers – IOTW Report

Lawmakers Move to Strip Governors’ Emergency Powers

PEW: When Kentucky lawmakers returned to Frankfort this month, they immediately moved to reduce Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear’s power to respond to disasters and infectious disease outbreaks. 

The Republicans who control the state’s legislature want emergency orders to end after 30 days, unless the General Assembly votes to extend them, and to limit the governor’s ability to close businesses and schools this year. They argue Beshear has been trampling on individual rights in his efforts to slow the spread of the coronavirus.

“I believe the governor has abused his executive powers and I believe a bill like this will ensure that this doesn’t happen again,” Republican state Sen. Matt Castlen told The Owensboro Times after pre-filing legislation to end emergency orders after 30 days. Castlen’s office did not respond to requests for comment by publication time.

Kentucky isn’t alone. For this year’s sessions, in at least half the states, Republicans and some Democrats have proposed limiting their governor’s emergency powers in some way, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. more here

12 Comments on Lawmakers Move to Strip Governors’ Emergency Powers

  1. Doesn’t matter. Oregon law only gave the Governor emergency power for 28 days, which she blatantly violated, repeatedly. OR supreme court said that was just fine with them. Rule of law means nothing to progressives.

  2. Make sure the Governor can’t just order the state’s health department to do the same thing the governor did.

    That’s what Gov. wHitler (D-Mi) did after the state’s Supreme Court ruled she couldn’t arbitrarily rule her kingdom like a tyrant.

  3. And, why do we even have state and federal legislatures? The governors and president can simply bypass the will of the people by issuing executive orders any time they want. Why is that OK?

  4. Sorry @MJA. What has become apparent through this last year is how compliant and easily manipulated a vast number of our citizens are.

    They probably wear masks to bed.

  5. @mja. I don’t wish to initiate an internal squabble, but I see people all around me supplicating to those have declared themselves to be absolute authority.

    I see lone people in automobiles wearing masks.
    I see lone individuals on bicycles peddling with no humans around….wearing masks.
    I saw it on my cross country trip to Nevada.
    There is something sickly dehumanizing happening. I miss the ordinary human smile. The

    I hate it.

  6. Far leftist Gov Beshear and his leftist Louisville Mayor, Greg “Che” Fischer, let Antifa and BLM burn, loot, and murder their way through downtown Louisville for months. Their response was to curl up in a fetal position under their desks while 300 businesses closed permanently in my beloved home town. Glad I left there years ago. It’s now a shithole.


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