Lawmakers to probe if U.S. weapons sent to Ukraine, abandoned in Afghanistan are in Hamas’ hands – IOTW Report

Lawmakers to probe if U.S. weapons sent to Ukraine, abandoned in Afghanistan are in Hamas’ hands

JTN: Lawmakers in Congress emerged this week from classified briefings on the Israeli terror attack determined to launch a probe into whether U.S. weapons left behind in Afghanistan or donated to Ukraine have landed in the hands of Hamas and other Iranian-backed extremists.

“I think there has to be one,” Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., a member of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee, said on the John Solomon Reports podcast in an interview aired Friday. “…If we are finding out information and getting told intel that U.S. weapons have fallen into the hands of terrorists, especially with the horrific attack that just happened on Israel, it’s our duty to investigate and find out if that’s happened or not.”

House members declined to describe with specificity what they were told by U.S. intelligence briefers on Wednesday but said they left the meeting convinced that U.S. weaponry has been allowed to fall into the hands of terrorists and other bad actors. more here

Israel kills Hamas leader behind attack as ground forces amass for possible Gaza invasion.

18 Comments on Lawmakers to probe if U.S. weapons sent to Ukraine, abandoned in Afghanistan are in Hamas’ hands

  1. No duh! Capitol Critters are really slow on the uptake. Of course, Hamas has some of the arms bounty left behind in Afghanistan by Joe the Demented Studge. The Taliban were more than willing to help out.

  2. Yeah, the “real” enemy are the democrats, but we know that, and we have no control over that party. What we do have control over are the OTHER “real” enemies of our country, the GOPe and the rinos: they’re the enemy within, and WE are responsible for their tolerating them and their partnership with the democrocrats hen we have control over them by our votes. WE are the problem.

  3. “Biden” didn’t “abandon” the 60 billion in weaponry: obama did, because obama’s is controlling the White House. All his people are in high office. And the reson they “abandoned” the 60 billion in weaponry was to arm the Muslim terrorists. It was deliberate. Now, the world is going to pay the price. This is a very dark age we’re entering, but it’s to the joy of the fascist left/swamp/GOPe. Liz Cheney must be dancing in her living room.

  4. The investigation will be very expensive and consume a great deal of time. In the end current events will have outstripped any concerns of that sort and the investigation will be closed, with results inconclusive.

    Kind of like all the rest from Whitewater on… except those targeting non-communists.

  5. Probe? They want to probe? Sure thing. Probe away. Just be sure to wash and sanitize your hands when you’re done.

    If you want to find out if U.S. weapons ended up in terrorist hands, then


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