Lawmakers uncover evidence multiple FBI offices involved in anti-Catholic memo, contradicting Wray – IOTW Report

Lawmakers uncover evidence multiple FBI offices involved in anti-Catholic memo, contradicting Wray

JTN: The House Judiciary Committee unveiled newly subpoeaned evidence Wednesday that multiple FBI offices were involved with a memo targeting traditional Catholics as domestic terrorists, directly challenging the testimony of Director Christopher Wray in the latest dust-up between Congress and the nation’s premier law enforcement agency.

Wray had testified that the memo was isolated to the work of the FBI office in Richmond and he repudiated the behavior, but Committee Chairman Jim Jordan said new evidence his investigators received suggested other office were involved, including Los Angeles and Portland.

“Remember the FBI Richmond Field Office memo targeting Catholics as terrorists?” Jordan asked on the X- platform formally known as Twitter. “Director Wray testified that it was only ‘a single field office’ doing so. Well, a newly subpoenaed document shows otherwise. It looks like FBI Portland & FBI Los Angeles were also involved.”

Jordan (R-Ohio) and Subcommittee Chairman Mike Johnson (R-La.) sent a letter to Wray, requesting communications between the FBI Richmond Field Office and other offices it was in contact with regarding the memo, including the Portland and Los Angeles offices.  more

9 Comments on Lawmakers uncover evidence multiple FBI offices involved in anti-Catholic memo, contradicting Wray

  1. same old same old
    “Two “rogue” agents employed at the Internal Revenue Service’s Cincinnati branch were responsible for the “overly aggressive” reviews of conservative non-profit organizations during the 2012 …”

    they lie with weasel words, then wait for the news cycle to bury the story, followed more weasel words.

  2. Aaaaand another data point to verify the old adage, “How do you know when (fill in the blank) is lying? They’re lips are moving.”

  3. I remember Wray’s testimony and without going back to the video of it, I’m pretty sure he hedged on Jordan’s question by saying, “Not that I’m aware..” or “To the best of knowledge..” Because that was pretty much his response to all of the questions. Then he fired up his Wounded Dignity act and gave Righteous Repudiation the full throttle as he sped away from the Accoutability-infested waters and into the safety of the Bay of Plausible Deniability. Is it possible the entire Department of Justice is run by conscience-free sociopaths?

    I wish the congressional witness chairs were literal hot seats and that they would deliver a backside jolt when those sitting in them lied. Someone, somewhere should be able to create such an apparatus.

  4. “Is it possible the entire Department of Justice is run by conscience-free sociopaths?”

    No. They’re actually amoral psychopathic diabolical narcissists.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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