Lawsuit: Facial-recognition company built ‘most dangerous’ facial recognition AI database in nation – IOTW Report

Lawsuit: Facial-recognition company built ‘most dangerous’ facial recognition AI database in nation


OAKLAND, Calif. – Civil liberties activists are suing a company that provides facial recognition services to law enforcement agencies and private companies around the world, contending that Clearview AI illegally stockpiled data on 3 billion people without their knowledge or permission.

The lawsuit, filed Tuesday in Alameda County Superior Court in the San Francisco Bay Area, contends that the New York-based firm violates California’s constitution and seeks an injunction to bar it from collecting biometric information in California and requiring it to delete data on Californians.

The lawsuit says the company has built “the most dangerous” facial recognition database in the nation, has fielded requests from more than 2,000 law enforcement agencies and private companies, and has amassed a database nearly seven times larger than the FBI’s. read more

SNIP: By the way- That FBI database? It’s pretty big. But it’s been getting a lot bigger lately.

Remember how the FBI asked the people that were at the January 6 capitol protest to send them the pictures that they had taken with their phones and digital cameras? That wasn’t just to help them catch the rioters (as if they really needed their help), that was to help them take a peek at the attendee, and everyone they came into contact with. Also, if they so much as bought a pack of gum in DC with their debit card on January 6th, their bank has [probably] snitched on them, too.

Can’t trust anyone these days.

4 Comments on Lawsuit: Facial-recognition company built ‘most dangerous’ facial recognition AI database in nation

  1. “requiring it to delete data ”
    Oh how cute.
    The only way that data will ever be deleted is if someone hacks the source and every other data storage and implants a destructive virus/worm.


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