Lawsuit: Mask mandates discriminate against the disabled – IOTW Report

Lawsuit: Mask mandates discriminate against the disabled

It’s finally happened. Barnes has filed suit alleging that mask mandates discriminate against the disabled. Here’s the breakdown.

8 Comments on Lawsuit: Mask mandates discriminate against the disabled

  1. One law suit in CA will do squat.
    Unless you have the money to hire a lawyer or can find a lawyer for free.

    Besides, NO ONE should me forced to wear masks.
    CDC has a report saying they are 1.5% effective.
    They have lots of reports that are buried on their web site that are ignored by the controla virus enthusiasts.

  2. Vancouver British Columbia: Corporate Stupidity

    A Paralympic athlete BORN WITHOUT ARMS was kicked out of a Chapters Bookstore for not wearing a mask and threatened with arrest.

    Clearly unable to put the mask on, no one willing to do it for her, former member of the Canadian Paralympic team.

    Source: The Western Standard & others.

  3. there will probably be a plethora of lawsuits about mandated mask wearing, involving the inhalation of plastic micro particles. Similar to asbestos.
    Sure, wear two of those suckers, and inhale them even more deeper.
    and psaki tells the fox reporter ‘I like your mask,’ while she isn’t wearing one herself.

  4. Don’t wear a mask and defend your right not to wear one. My latest tactic is to say “I’m not a commie, only commies do what they’re told by a commie government.” I’m waiting to be hauled off to the reeducation camp, guaranteed I won’t fit in, so nice knowing you’all. Nor will I be told what to do by a minimum wage, blued haired, nose ringed, tatted up retard. So far so good, they shut their pie hole. BTW, management of stores here are telling their employees NOT TO SAY ANYTHING to anyone who isn’t wearing a mask, They don’t want to be in the news, a lawsuit, or their employees getting hurt or killed. Sounds like a good plan to me.

  5. If a business demands it, I don’t do business with them and let them know why. There have actually been a few businesses who went under, yeah they were hurt at first when they shut down businesses, but they could have survived if not for their demands.
    I have no choice at the doctor and my husband must go to the doctor, so we put it on and let them take our temperature, then as soon as we get into the room we pull them down. His doctor is fine with it and he works in a clinic where some administrators set the rules, but he thinks they’re stupid and useless.

    My daughter was telling me a story about the other day when her and her kids went to eat at a HB joint and this ignorant girl came in with a mask, with another girl without a mask. She was complaining loud enough for everyone to hear how stupid people were to not wear their masks. You’d think she could see her friend had no mask on or that her friend would point that out. She said she got her food, pulled her mask down and started eating french fries. I guess the china flu can’t get you while walking and eating.

    After hearing a woman bitching on the phone in the store about nobody wearing a mask, but her and people were staring at her and the store needed to force people to wear them, the conclusion I’ve came to is this country is not only full of sheep, it’s full of followers. Majority wears a mask, they must wear a mask, majority don’t wear a mask, they don’t wear a mask.


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