Lawsuit: More Than 2.5K Dead People Are Registered to Vote in Detroit – IOTW Report

Lawsuit: More Than 2.5K Dead People Are Registered to Vote in Detroit


More than 2,500 dead Americans remain on the voter rolls in Detroit, Michigan, according to a federal lawsuit filed this week.

The Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) filed a lawsuit in federal court this week against the city of Detroit for allegedly failing to maintain their voter rolls, including keeping more than 2,500 dead Americans aged 85 and older on the rolls.

After obtaining voter data from the state of Michigan earlier this year, PILF researchers said they discovered that a number of registered voters had either “impossibly old” or “disqualifying young” date of births. In one case, for example, PILF researchers said they found that a registered voter stated they had been born in the year 1823.

In addition to dead voters remaining on the voter rolls, PILF alleges that Detroit’s voter registration rate as of 2016 for the citizen voting-age population stands at 106 percent — indicating more voters on the rolls than those who even live in the city. read more

13 Comments on Lawsuit: More Than 2.5K Dead People Are Registered to Vote in Detroit

  1. While the nation has been entranced (!) by the “peach-mun” scam the Demonrats have been implementing their fraud plans. Schitt thinks he’s another Mesmer – some great wizard who by the concentration of his superior mind can transform known absurdities into realities. He believes the American people are retarded drones who just want to be led into totalitarian slavery.
    He believes that Mad Max Waters is perfectly lucid and logical.
    He worships the ground that Nancy Pelosi walks on.

    I’ll warrant that more dead people and illegals vote in 2020 than in any prior elections. And I got 100 iOTW bucks to back it up.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Dems always do what they accuse the right of doing. They are saying how Trump plans to interfere in the 2020 election again as he did in 2016. This means that they are planning to corrupt the 2020 process just as they tried in 2016. It’s there only chance to win and they know it. Beware the absentee ballot charade! Remember the boxes of uncounted ballots found in a Fla officials trunk. Safeguards must be readied.

  3. If the Democrat/Liberal cabal can twist the 14th Amendment’s Right to Privacy to include a right for an abortion then surely some enterprising Senator or Congresscritter can find a constitutional right for the Federal Government to set the rules and regulations (including valid photo ID, annual voter role cleaning and confirmation and any other processes that can eliminate any chance of fraud) for voting in a Federal Election.

  4. Seems to me that with bureaucracy being what it is, there’s someone who is responsible for registering the deceased in public records – isn’t there a means for deleting them from certain functions for which they no longer qualify?
    Or maybe that job is held by a democrat….

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