Lawsuit Says Kansas school employee locked disabled boy in cage, compared him to ‘animal’ – IOTW Report

Lawsuit Says Kansas school employee locked disabled boy in cage, compared him to ‘animal’

Kansas City Star:
A Kansas school employee allegedly locked a boy with Down Syndrome in a cage used to store athletic equipment, then shared a photo of the student with district staff while comparing him to an animal, according to a federal lawsuit filed Friday.

The alleged action was part of a larger pattern of abuse outlined in the suit, where a Pottawatomie County paraprofessional is accused of yelling derogatory words in the 15-year-old boy’s face, yanking on his shirt collar, striking him, and on multiple occasions locking him in a dark utility closet. The suit accuses other special education staff of failing to take action. The lawsuit was filed Friday in the Kansas City, Kansas, division of the U.S. District of Kansas. It is brought by a Silver Lake couple, Heather and Jeff Bahner, the parents of the boy, identified as C.B., and alleges violations of federal civil rights protections for people with disabilities. more here

9 Comments on Lawsuit Says Kansas school employee locked disabled boy in cage, compared him to ‘animal’

  1. I can go either way on this. Family in the education business and others who “used” the education system. Used as in public toilet. While I expect some level of professionalism from the adult in the room, there are some/many in school as day-care for people well beyond any hope of systematic learning.

  2. I had a girlfriend who worked with the developmentally disabled.
    She commented often about how many were only on the job for the paycheck (which wasn’t much) and could care less about the clients.
    Must have been alluding to this clown.

  3. Working with the mentally and physically disabled is not for the faint of heart. I have worked in a state facility for the mentally disabled, it was a hard job, and it takes a special kind of person to work there. Unfortunately, management of those places and union rules make it even harder. I hate govt. employee unions and it’s not just for their politics it’s a lot of their chickenshit, mickey mouse rules that don’t help working there either.

  4. In 1974, I worked on a Student Temporary Employment Program (STEP) grant in which we, the design students met with the various sheltered workshops through out the province of Manitoba in Canada and designed products and a marketing program for the workshops. Where the mentally disabled were treated well by the workshops and their families, they thrived and were capable of doing many things which normal people do. When their families abandoned them and the workshops were just institutional daycare, the people were not very well – either mentally or physically.

  5. I dunno… so far as I can figger in my 70+ years on the planet is that about the only people who would do something like this are maybe a notch above the person that they’re ostracizing and are damn glad they have someone to point out and make an example of that they think they’re better than! That’s a sick mind right there that has no business in any school system!


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