Lawsuit Uncovers How Raffensperger Tried To Memory-Hole The Election Law Trump’s Georgia Call Was About – IOTW Report

Lawsuit Uncovers How Raffensperger Tried To Memory-Hole The Election Law Trump’s Georgia Call Was About

Federalist Papers-

Election integrity advocates recently had a very important win when a federal district court ruled that challenging the eligibility of thousands of voters in Georgia did not constitute “voter intimidation.”

Back in 2020, True the Vote, Derek Somerville and I, and three other activists were all sued by Stacey Abrams’ Fair Fight organization for allegedly violating the Prohibited Acts section of the Voting Rights Act. We had independently organized two different sets of challenges to voters with residency issues ahead of Georgia’s 2021 U.S. Senate runoff. True the Vote’s challenges were broader in scope than the challenges Derek and I had coordinated, which were narrowly focused on voters who appeared to have already cast ballots with residency issues in the 2020 general election.  more

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