Lawyer found dead in upstate NY may be linked to New Jersey shooting at judge’s house – IOTW Report

Lawyer found dead in upstate NY may be linked to New Jersey shooting at judge’s house


A man possibly involved in the fatal shooting of a federal court judge’s son in New Jersey was found dead in New York’s Sullivan County on Monday afternoon, according to multiple reports.

The man, an attorney from New York City, is being investigated in connection with the shooting, a law enforcement official and a judiciary official told the Associated Press. The man had appeared before the judge in the past, the officials said.

Trooper Steven Nevel, a spokesperson for New York State Police’s Troop F, told Fox News the FBI was on the scene in the town of Rockland to determine if the body found there was linked to the shooting at U.S. District Court Judge Esther Salas’ home in North Brunswick.

The man was found dead from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound, law enforcement officials said. Additional information was not immediately available.

Earlier Monday, an FBI Newark spokesperson confirmed to Fox News that law enforcement was conducting official business in New York, but could not confirm the death or its link to the case involving Salas’ family. more

Brown Eyed Girl says-

Uh-oh. Guaranteed Trump and conservatives are going to get the blame for this:

Still, knowing the leftmedia, we have to wait another 48 hours to see what is really going on with the story.

22 Comments on Lawyer found dead in upstate NY may be linked to New Jersey shooting at judge’s house

  1. So… boyfriend comes to the house to kill husband, misses and hits son?
    Or, the boyfriend of husband?
    Sorry- I’m always suspicious. It’s usually personal revenge before it is political revenge.

  2. How convenient… He’s found dead… with the murder weapon… and he’s into “men’s rights” causes… This is a tailor made patsy if I ever saw one… Likely had zip to do with the shooting. Just another narrative controlling murder like Rich and Epstein. The homicidal DC paedo army is on the move.

  3. Brown Eyed Girl- Damn! He was a hot mess, wasn’t he?
    If he had cancer, that would explain why he killed himself, judging by his quote.
    Nice dig with the ‘donated to Trump’ line, huh?
    Sounds like he still had a grudge over his mail -order wife.
    Still not understanding why he hates Salas’ husband, though, if he was the target and not her.

    I think 48 hours before the real story comes out.
    I’m still not convinced there wasn’t freaky sneaky going on with the judge.
    Did she spurn him?

  4. This story needs to be taken back to the fake news room and rewritten as it smells real fishy.
    Any story that starts by naming an Obama appointed judge is riddled with lies and obstruction. I’ll wait for the real story to leak out.


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